Chapter 7: Charms Class

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-Meghan Malfoy-

Meghan looked towards the small Charms professor, he stumbled up on to a tower of books. Standing on the books, he was around the same size as a normal sized wizard.

"Ok class, before we perform any charms, we need to practice some wrist movements. Keep your wands away, you won't need them till next week. Practice the movements on page 7 in your textbooks," he said in a comically squeaky voice.

Meghan opened her book and quickly read the pages. She was finished before everyone else, save Peter, who was already practicing the movements, seeing as he already read the whole textbook. Lucy was doodling on some parchment, not bothering to read.

Meghan started practicing, smiling widely.

All I have to do is swish and flick, ok done. Flick swish. Swipe upwards. Triple twists. Meghan thought, moving her hand. Her hand was moving as fast as lightning as her hand whipped through the air, practicing. Peter practiced with nice, slow, fluid movements. Lucy had a thinking face on and swung her hand around wildly.

Harry tried his hardest moving his wrist the right way. The girl, Hermione, watched Peter and copied his movements. Lastly the redhead boy, what was his name...Ron; yep that's it, was failing completely.

Meghan sighed and leaned forward, tapping the boy's shoulder. "Umm... Ron, was it? You have to flick your wrist more. If you need an example, watch him," Meghan said smiling, pointing at Peter.



"Well thanks Meghan, you're a bloody help," Ron said, smiling crookedly.

Meghan laughed lightly and continued practicing. Professor Flitwick went around lifting people's arms and fixing mistakes. Harry got corrected seven times till he got it right. No surprise when none of the Ravenclaws were corrected.

Professor Flitwick again soon stood on the leaning tower of literature and raised his wand, signaling silence. "Ok class, the lesson is over. Your work for tonight is to practice those wrist movements, this time with your wands," he smiled and clapped his small hands, signaling the end of class.

Meghan gathered her book, parchment, and quills. She met Lucy at the door, looking for Peter, who stood talking to Hermione about class.

Lucy grabbed Meghan's hand and they raced down the hall to History of Magic. During their break, they sat outside the classroom and talked, waiting for Peter to catch up to them. Lucy was overly excited about the class. She wanted as much insight into the history of magic, witches, and wizards as she could; she liked learning about history.

Meghan couldn't wait till after lunch when they would have Transfiguration. She loved reading about the subject and couldn't wait.

A woman opened the tall brown door. She went up to Lucy and hugged her tightly. She then turned and grabbed Meghan and hugged her. Then she embraced Peter, too. The woman looked very posh and had her hair flowing down to her waist. She had a bright yellow robe and a satin blue inlay. She had a huge smile on her face. 

"Welcome. I am Professor Mckay."

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