Chapter 24: The Truth

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-Peter Lovegood-

Peter read the words on the paper again, not believing his eyes. It was a clipping from a Muggle newspaper. A stationary picture sat in the top right corner, surrounded by small text. This clearly wasn't a significant news story, or it would've gotten a larger portion of the page, but what it meant for the three of them was bigger than any headline Peter had ever seen.

"Peter, what is it?" Meghan pulled it out of his hands and scanned it, her eyes growing wider as they blurred from one side to the other.

"What?!" Lucy whispered. Meghan thrust it the page at her, still staring at the place she had been holding the paper earlier. Lucy read aloud, as quietly as she could. "A dead woman was found in front of the abandoned storefront, Purge and Dowse, Ltd., yesterday early in the morning. With no physical signs of harm, officials are waiting from the local hospital to see what the autopsy says. Health personnel claim heart failure is an extremely improbable cause of death, but say nothing else could have killed her. Witness Barney Truman commented to news officials as soon as they arrived. 'Yeah, yeah, she just dropped down, eh? Mad, mad, I sees her go down and run over, yeah. Another woman was runnin' away, but didn' think to see where she was headin', yeah?' Police officials are already on the trail of this mysterious woman, and Commanding Chief says more information will be made available by this evening."

The three of them sat in silence for a long moment.

"So why do you think Professor McKay was carrying this around?" Lucy looked up at her friends.

There was a pause.

"Maybe she's interested in the story?" Meghan suggested without much conviction.

"'You don't need to read that, it's full of rubbish,'" Peter repeated sarcastically. "Why would she be reading articles from a Muggle newspaper regarding a story she doesn't want anyone else reading?"

The trio met each other's eyes, silently reaching the same conclusion.

Professor McKay had killed Professor Luave. 

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