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Song: Kids Two - by Stranger Things Soundtrack 

[ Put earphones in to have a better experience of listening to the music while reading the story. Otherwise, thank you and enjoy - Narrator ]


As my family's olive coloured classic Mercedes 230E's pulled up into the garage of our new house in Hawkins City, the sound of it's breaks shriek as my dad puts the car into a stop.

My dog, Bailey began barking out of the car's window while my little 4 years old brother, Christopher stood on his knees beside her looking outside the window as well, "Woah! Is that our house mom?!" Christopher exclaimed wide eyed, "Yes sweetheart." My mom replies to Chris chuckling.

I take a quick glance at the new simple house that was surrounded by the tall trees of the forest that compelled the area behind the house.

I unbuckled my seatbelt grabbing my bag pack sliding it over my shoulder and got off the car.

As soon as I opened the door Bailey jumps on my lap and sprints to the front of the house's door, waiting impatiently for my parents to unlock it.

I climbed up the porch's steps of the house that I believe was once owned by a family called the Hoppers.

The land lord that sold us the house mentioned to my dad that the family had to move out because of severe family conditions, and now the father of the Hoppers' family works as a chief in the police department of Hawkins.

I got into the empty house, and flicked the light switch of the living room expecting the lights to turn on, but they didn't which is reasonable since nobody lived here for 10 years, to be exact.

However the dusty windows allowed day light to seek through, so I was still able to see the interior features of the house.

As I was walking through the vintage old house, my legs took me to the kitchen which had a glass door that exposed the backyard which was full of shrubs and long yellow grass that needed to be mowed.

Grabbing a small tissue paper that was in my pocket, I wiped a small spot on the glass door so I can see, forming a circular spot where I wiped. I saw a small wooden shed with a rounded broken glass window, hmm nobody really came here for 10 years, I thought.

I was about to open the backyard's door to check the shed, until I heard my mom call, "Y/N COME HERE AND HELP YOUR DAD TAKE THE BOXES DOWN FROM THE CAR!" It definitely startled me from the sudden loud call from my mom.

"COMING!" I yelled back breathing heavily as I speed walked to the garage to help my dad.


"Alright, these are the last group, and I suppose they're yours." My dad handed me 4 boxes which I wrote "Y/n's property" on them in black. I took hold of the 4 big boxes and managed to enter the door, I grabbed my sizable suitcase which was placed on the entrance of the house.

"Umm mom, where's my bedroom?" I questioned since this's my first time seeing the house that I'll be living in for the rest of my life... well, as long as my dad's job is settled here.

"It's upstairs dear... uh do you need a hand with that?" My mom suggested when she saw me struggling to carry all 4 boxes and my suitcase, "Yes please."

We went upstairs and my mom showed me my room, it was quite bigger than I expected it to be, it was a square in perimeter, the walls were covered with pink floral wallpaper. I found the wallpaper cute so I don't think I might change the walls.

There were two big windows, one of them had the roof top for the porch and that window exposed the beautiful setting sun between the tall trees and the road in front of our house.

The windows made the room seem bigger and airy which I really liked. The second level of the house was already carpeted, therefore my room was carpeted as well.

(Your bedroom is something like Nancy's bedroom, just to clear up y'alls imagination☺️ - Narrator)

I placed the boxes on the ground of my new room, I started analysing the way I want to design my room and how I want to put things together.

--- [ Time Skip to Dinner ] ---

"So y/n how do you like the house?" My mom asked starting a conversation on the silent dinner table, "It's pretty cool, it's cozy and nice." I shrugged.

Silence fell on the table again.

"But I don't know there's something about the house that just f-feels mysterious." I spoke drawing my parents attention on the table, "Like what?" My dad questioned curiously.

"I dunno I feel like the Hoppers family who lived here moved out for a certain reason, not because of family conditions, but something else." 

"I don't think so sweetie. I mean you never know, but like, the land lord said it's safe here and there's always the police department right down the block.... Maybe you're getting these feelings dear because you're not quite familiar with the area. Don't worry sweetie it will fade away as soon as you get used to Hawkins. Plus, you're having your first day of school tomorrow in Hawkins Middle School, you'll fit in just right, trust me." My mom tried reassuring me, but it didn't help, I still had that gut feeling in me. Besides, when she mentioned that I'm going to a new school with new kids tomorrow it just made me feel even more insecure.

--- [ 10:30 pm ] ---

I entered my empty room with boxes and a mattress placed on the ground that my dad and I inflated earlier. 

I went over to my suitcase to pick an outfit for school tomorrow. The echoing sound of my foot steps against the carpeted floor vibrated the room.

I really don't want to go to school tomorrow, ugh.

I sigh escaped my lips as I hung my simple outfit of mom jeans, a striped long sleeved shirt, and converse on the door knob.

I lied down on the plain mattress, facing the blank white ceiling of my room, "Goodnight sweetheart." My mom entered my room and kissed my forehead, "Night mom." I sent her a sly smile.

I sigh again and shut my eyes to the sound of the raindrops hitting the glass panes of my windows and hoped that tomorrow will be a good day.

------- Hey y'all new book who dissss 😆I hope you guys liked the first chapter. New chapters will be coming soon, as well as juicy stuff ;) Aight gotta blast bye!🥴 💖

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