How to Handle a Public Attack

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How it Starts

A public attack is very sudden. It happens at the most inconvenient time possible - when we're about to leave the house, on the way somewhere, or as soon as we walk through the doors of a building.

You'll start to notice me get increasingly frustrated. I might snap at you angrily, even though you've done nothing wrong and I'm not even angry.

Calm Me Down Before It Starts

Take me out of the situation. This is pretty much the only way to stop it from happening. If you notice me start to get frustrated or fold in on myself, ask me if I want to leave. If we need something or if I think it would be awkward to leave, reassure me that we can leave without it being a big deal.

What to Expect

I'll trail along behind you in the store, not taking the lead, not pushing the buggy, not speaking, going out of my way to avoid touching anyone.

I'll walk behind you with my hands clutched to my chest and my head down, looking at the floor. If you try to talk to me you might get a one-word answer, a shrug, or a seemingly angry reply. If you try to touch me, I'll get angrier.

You might even notice silent tears streaming down my face.

What to Do

Do not try to get me to do something - like getting something from a different aisle, pushing the buggy, paying for something. If I try to do something I will break down.

Do not touch me. There is no situation of a public attack where you should be touching me, I will not have a good reaction.

Do not get angry at me for snapping at you or having an angry tone for no reason.

Do not draw attention to us. In this moment, I feel like everyone is watching us. Do not talk too loudly, don't try to hug me or be cute. Don't try to look me in the eye or pull me aside to have a conversation with me. Pay extra attention to not bumping into people, or being in people's way.

Get me out of there. Calmly drop whatever you're doing and walk out the door, I'll follow behind you.

If for some reason we absolutely cannot leave, ignore me. Do not talk to me, do not touch me, do not ask me questions or ask me to do anything. Just let me follow you around silently until we can leave. If I need to tell you something I will tap you on the shoulder or something.

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