How to Avoid Attacks

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Common Triggers

Big crowds of people

New situations that I've never experienced before

New places I've never been to

Meeting new people

Eating in public

Overwhelming situations

Getting too hot

Going to the store

Being sick


I need to take my anxiety medicine every single day. I usually take it whenever I wake up, but some mornings I can't take it right away, I have to wait an hour or so because some days I wake up feeling a little nauseous. Make me take it every day.

If I'm being lazy or don't want to for some reason, there are a few things you can do to get the ball rolling. Some days, especially when I'm feeling depressed, it just doesn't seem worth getting up for or it just seems like the very small act of taking my medicine is too much to make myself do. Get a spoon, open up a capsule, and pour the medicine powder into the spoon (I can't take pills). Get me something to drink. Place the drink and spoon of medicine near me, but don't pressure/force me to take it if I'm not ready, just let it sit near me until I'm ready.

When I am having a panic attack, you might ask me if I've taken my medicine and I might say no, BUT it is not a good time to take it in the middle of a panic attack. Swallowing powder isn't the easiest thing to do on a good day, but if I try to take it during a panic attack I will almost definitely choke. Also, the medicine won't work that fast, so just relax and have me take it later.

Although, If it's way too late for me to take it that day, just let me wait until the next morning. Skipping a day isn't going to do any damage, and I am terrified of overdosing on any kind of medicine so I'm very cautious about taking my doses too close to one another.

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