You Have Our Blessing

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Beyoncé's POV

"Where the hell is Angel!?" I yelled.

 "I don't know." Angie said. "I haven't seen her since before the show."

 This girl real close to being fired. I was changing and my mom came in holding Blue, she was asleep.

 "Where is Angel?" She asked.

 I shrugged as I put on my shoes.

My mom left the room with her phone and I cradled Blue in my arms before laying her on the couch. Leon decided to go with Shawn to do something for tonight since Angel's ass was supposed to be working. I was getting my bag ready to go back to the hotel but not before I saw a couple people. I had Angie stay with Blue while I took some pictures with fans.

After that was finished I went back in the dressing room and no sign of mama or Angel. Frank came in and we started talking. Going over the show and what not. Then Angel and my mom came in and Angel headed towards the bathroom and my mom started zipping up garment bags. After I finished my conversation with Frank he left.

 "Where was she?" I asked.

 "Somewhere she shouldn't have been." She said.

The way she was zipping those bags I knew she was mad. I went towards the bathroom and knocked before I went in. Angel was at the mirror wiping her lip and I laughed.

 "Mama did that?" I asked.

 "Who else." She said.

 I went over to her.

 "Let me see." I said.

 She let me see her lip as she poked it out and I took the tissue away from her and used it.

 "You need to stop having a smart ass mouth." I said.

 "I didn't even say nothing." She said.

 I just looked at her.

 "You did something." I said as I dabbed her lip.

 I threw away the tissue as she looked in the mirror.

 "Okay, now I'm not your sister." I said. "Where the hell were you?"

 She looked at me.

 "I won't do it again, I'm sorry. It was my mistake." She said.

 As an employer I don't care where she was but as my sister and she is only sixteen I care.

 "Alright, but one more slip up and your gone." I said.

 She nodded.

 "But seriously where were you?" I asked.

 "No where special." She said laughing.

 "Angel." I said.

 "Just chill, ma already mad at me." She said. "Can we just go?"

 "Stubborn ass." I said leaving the bathroom.

 "Love you too." She said.


 Angel's POV

So y'all wanna know where I was? I figured but you get the same info Bey has, sorry. Just know I will be on my job at all times. Now I think you figured how I got the busted lip. I wasn't lying when I said I didn't say anything, I didn't but I rolled my eyes on the sly. I didn't think she saw but I guess she did. That crap hurt too and it didn't help with Bey laughing.  Now today we are finally in New Orleans and I'll see Solo and Michelle. My mom has not talked to me all day.

We sitting in the hotel right now and I'm ready to go.

 "Leon!" I yelled.

 "Stop yelling." My mom said walking in front of Leon.

 I didn't dare utter a word and Leon already knew why so I know he's laughing. I got off the couch and we finally left. We got to just walk around and eat, with security of course. My phone went off and I answered the phone. I saw it was my dad.

 "Hey, daddy." I said.

 "Hey, I'm in town and I want to talk to you." He said.

 I got confused.

 "I'm out with mama right now and Bey got me on some type of probation so I gotta work." I said.

 "Don't worry about that." He said. "I need to talk to you, Bey and Solo."

 "Uh, okay. I'll call you when I get back to the hotel." He said.

 "Okay." He said and we hung up.

 I was looking at my phone like what does he want to talk about with the three of us? Oh, it's probably about the wedding. I'm not tryna intentionally hurt my dad and the lady I met was cool but I'm my mothers child and I wouldn't feel right going. My sisters can do whatever but that's just where I stand.

 Bey's POV

 I was sitting in the room with my dad and Solange waiting for Angel.

 "Daddy, can you just tell us now and we fill Angel in later." Solange said.

 "No, I want to talk to y'all together." He said.

 A couple seconds later Angel came in with a bag and a drink.

 "Hi daddy." She said as she hugged him before she sat down.

 "Oh we ain't nobody." I said.

 She looked at me while sipping her drink.

 "Well I got word from your mother that none of you would attend the wedding." He said.

 "I got a show." I said.

 "Me too." Solange said.

 "I understand that and they were already planned out." He said.

 "Yeah, but daddy we support you and you have my blessing." I said.

 "Mine too." Solange said.

 The only person that hasn't spoken was Angel and she was still sipping from that cup until Solange took it.

 "What you doing?" Angel said.

 "Angel, are you coming?" My dad asked.

 "I would but Bey has me basically on probation so I have to work." She said.

 "Angel." My dad said knowing that she was making up an excuse.

 "Okay, I just don't think I'll feel comfortable but you have my blessing and your fiancé is very nice but I just don't want to feel awkward and uncomfortable." She said.

 I understand what she's saying. I would feel uncomfortable if I was going.

 "I understand what your saying." He said. "And I won't make you attend but I'm glad that I have y'all's blessing."

 "Yeah dad, we want you to be happy." I said.

 "And if she makes you happy." Solange said.

 "Then we all for it." Angel said.

 My dad smiled as we did.

 "Group hug." Angel said.

 We all hugged our dad.

 "I love all of y'all." He said.

 "We love you too daddy." We said.

 I know we all seem like we stay up under our mama all the time but all of us are daddy's girls.

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