Another One Bites The Dust

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My dudes I went to go see Endgame opening night and It was amazing.
Also this has Endgame spoliers so please don't come after me I warned you.
Im sorry i dont rember everything I put off writing this and now i dont remember alot of shit

BNHA X Avengers

[Y/N] Interned for Stark Industries before going to Study abroad at U.A.

Angst and memes galore.

After I heard about Thanos' plan I never forgave my self for not being there to help Tony and Peter. I wasn't able to do anything. I didn't know if they were even alive. All I know is that he had succeeded. How do I know this you ask? I watched half my class turn to dust infront of me, but as soon as I heard that Tony was alive and back on earth I was on a plane with only about a hundred dollars in my pocket and my suit in a bag.

I had let Peter's aunt know I was coming back to New York.

I may not be related to her or Peter but she's the closest thing family to me.

She picked me up at the airport and took me to her apartment so I could collect a few of my things I had left in America. Then I was off to see Stark.


Before I knew it I was in a space suit and outside a spaceship. I was a little excited but I knew that the lives of millions of people were on our shoulders so I couldn't be the little nerd I am.

I quickly texted my class mates. At least the ones that weren't. You know dust.

Botta zoom off to space

Queen Momo

No time to explain bye

Then I yeeted my phone onto the counter and joined the others on the ship.


"WHAT DID YOU JUST DOOO" I screeched at Thor

This dumbass has killed the big purple grape. Before we got anything out of him or I got to tell him he looks like a grape.

"I went for the head,"

The others verbally attacked him whilst I was screeching.


When we got back we all said our goodbyes and went our ways.

I checked to see how much money my flight back would be.

"Damn it," I whispered not wanting Cap to scold at me for my language.

I didn't have nearly as enough for a ticket back.

"God, im never getting home." I kicked at the dirt trying to hold back my tears.

So much has happened in the past week I just couldn't take it. I pulled out my phone and sent out a text

Won't be home for a while, can't afford a ticket home and mission was unsuccessful.

I was too embarrassed for not preparing ahead to ask Tony for help, but I well knew that he'd be able to help, but alas I was deep in my shame pit i dug myself into.

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