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Me:- *Walking and chatting with friend in hallways*

Ron:- *Steps in front of me*

Me:- *Tries to go from other side*

Ron:- *Steps in front again*

Me:- *Sighs* What. Do. You. Want?

Ron:- You. *Winks*

Me:- What do you mean?

Ron:- I love you.

To be continued...


Yog li ntawd, kuv tau khiav tawm ntawm cov tswv yim qee lub hnub dhau los, tiam sis vim yog koj txoj kev hlub, kuv txiav txim siab mus txuas ntxiv
(So actually I ran out of ideas some days ago but because of your love, I decided to continue)

Thiab ua tsaug rau ItsMGsSHINE rau cov lus qhia txog qhov kev sib tw loj no
(And thanks to ItsMGsSHINE for suggesting this major plot twist)

Thiab qhov ntxiv tom ntej no yuav ua raws li qhov sib tw no
(And the next parts will be based on this twist)

Tsaug rau kev nyeem ntawv❤
(Thanks for reading❤)

A/N:- It's written in Hmong language.

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