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Ron:- I love you.

Me:- Don't joke. Go away. *Turns to go*

Ron:- *Holds my wrist* I'm not joking, Zeie. I really love you. I'm sorry for all bad I did to you.

Me:- *Blushes*

Ron:- Say you love me too.

Me:- Will tell you later. *Walks to class, blushing all the way*

Ron's friend:- You love her, dude?!

Ron:- You want the truth?

Ron's friend:- *Nods*

Ron:- I don't!

To be continued...


Hello! Aku ngerti iku aneh nanging apa wae. Pengen sampeyan seneng
(Hello! I know it's odd but whatever. Hope you like it)

Thanks kanggo maca
(Thanks for reading❤)

Liyane bakal teka
(More to come❤...)

A/N:- It's written in Javanese language.

Not Japanese, it's Javanese.

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