''Robert!'' says my mum as she tries to wake me up for school, I turn over to go back to sleep but then remember our school trip ahh, another boring school trip into the woods, once again ''ROBERT!! Come on downstairs your going to be late!''
At last, I get my arse out of bed and get ready for the School Trip. Finally we arrive in the middle of no where, so much for a planned school trip. I know nobody on this coach, seen as it is a brand new day to show off, as my mum says anyway, our teacher Mr.Tralen tells us all to get off the coach, I stay behind as all the crowds as Year 11 push there way out the stuffy coach. I notice another kid, Smitty I believe is his name, he comes over to me and says ''Heya there Kid The names Smitty''. ''Errrm'' I wonder what to say but all they comes out is a muffled ''H-h-hey'' he stand there staring at me for a minute I bet hes thinking ''First day of school acting like a retard'' he turns to walk away but finally I pluck up the corage to actually speak ''Hey W-w-ait up!'' ''Yes?'' he says. ''Why are you staying here on this stupid, stuffy coach?'' ''Same reason as you I suppose'' he winks at me and turns off back at his seat''.
I stare out the window hoping he doesn't notice me as much. ''And You?'' my heart thumps. ''Errm, I want to stay here thanks'' he turns around but then comes back again ''What now!?'' I think to myself. ''Do you want anything?'' Mr.Tralen asks. ''Yes!'' shouts Smitty. ''How about gettin me and me friend here a sandwich?'' I look at him with a weird look friend? He thinks im his friend? Mr.Tralen heads out to the cafe.
I look back out the coach window to see what is happening in the cafe, I notice a weird man in a carrot suit giving out free samples of something in a carton, on the carton says 'Veggie Juice' as the weirdo in the suit turns around he faces all the Year 11 class shouting and scrambling around him trying to get a sip of the juice, then comes Mr.Tralen and persuades the man to give him a whole carton just because it has the right vitamins in it. As they sit back down and start digging in to the food I feel something weird is going on...
BANG! The coach wobbled. Me and Smitty got up and so did the driver '' What the **** is that?'' he screams. '' Ah, probally just some stupid kids'' exlaims the driver. CRASH! Again the noise. The driver in the end gets fed up and pulls on the leaver, the doors open he walks round the edge of the coach to go and investigate. ''Wonder what the hell that is aye'' ''Yes'' I say. I turn around and notice a red hand mark printed on the back of the bus...
It was about 20 minutes since the driver left the coach and all was still. ''Ima go investigate'' whispers Smitty. ''No! Maybe we should just wait here for 5 more minutes'' ''Its been 20'' he says. In the end hes already walked down the steps, I decide to follow him just incase. We walk around the corner. ''Stop'' he says. ''Why?'' ''Look...'' Right on the floor infront of us was a puddle of blood. We quickly run round the back. On the floor lay the driver... Smitty panicks and looks at the driver where he was injured, on his hand was no longer flesh there was a big gaping hole looking through to his bone.