I don't wanna be in school

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Is the next morning, the morning sun just rises up, the annoying birds are chirping, so as my mom. " Wake up sweetie, it's time school again,"she said while pulling my blanket.

Oh my fucking hell! I'm going to hell again. School really fucks my emotions up- being lonely all the time, not having enough sleep, crying all time in the school's toilet.

After my mom pulled my blanket and yelled for 5mins until I got. I'm already in a bad mood.

I'm in class now sitting at the last back rode all to myself.Alone, of corse I'm always alone- physically lonely, mentally lonelier.The only reason I sit at the last back rode is because crush is there next,next to me.

I hate my classroom - the ugly greenish-blue coloured wall, the warm stinky weather especially stinky when we have PE class, the day I got to smell everybody's armpits. One time I almost puke.

I waited for somebody to notice me that I exist. "Ah noy si yaw!!"
I looked up and it was Mari, the most Koreaboo in my class. She still have a baby face, even tho she's a year older then me. When I first met her I thought she was 13, literally no kidding I literally thought she was 13. She wears a hijab not exposing any of her hair. Dark chocolate eyes with beautifully curled eyelashes. I feel really tall standing next to her, which is in the first place that made me think she's 13.

She looked at me and made a heart using her tumb and her pointing fingers and they made a small "r" shape, forming a heart. I hate who ever created that.Then she sat down.

School went on as usual, boring people, boring teachers, boring food that they served- the food tasted blank, so blank that when you're eating it. It felt like I'm eating a cardboard when I tried the first time. It has almost 3 years that I haven't had lunch that school provided, I didn't like it at all cause I'm not used to eating crap food since I'm such spoiled brat who can't eat without a meat for a day.

When I'm about leave the school I looked for Adam/A. I met Adam when I first joined the school. He looked downwards to everyone in class since he used to be tallest one. That time I was straight-ish. We never really talked or I never really go out my way to reach for him.

I didn't find him...

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