1- Meeting

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Russia stumbled around on the side of the road, obviously drunk. He held a mostly empty beer bottle as he moved towards the middle of the road, a car screeching to a stop while somebody got out. Russia stared at the car, like a deer caught in headlights, while the person frantically asked if he was okay. The person turned out to be America, Russia was full of adrenaline while he looked down and saw the smaller country, "I'm f-f-f-f-fine! Reall—" he said before blacking out and landing on America's mustang. Naturally, America freaked out even more and shoved Russia into the backseat of his car, driving to the nearest gas station and rushed inside. His phone was dead while he repeatedly asked for a phone to use, and when he began to call somebody, Russia woke up. Russia held his head and sat up, "ugh, where am I?" He said and hiccuped, before America came out and got back in. Russia reached up front, "I'm thirsty, do you have anything?" America sat at the wheel and looked at the massive hand, "I'll go get something," he sighed. He made the trip fast while he got a Gatorade for Russia, and some Coca Cola for himself.

America drove down the highway, going to his house, Russia had already chugged the Gatorade and sat drunken but hungover in the backseat, looking out the window, it was night, turning day. America held his nose as he opened Russia's door, "you need to take a shower," he announced. The door to the house was unlocked as Russia puked all over the asphalt, "don't worry about it." Russia got out and stumbled inside, being directed to the bathroom as America went to wash Russia's clothes, Russia only had one arm, he mumbled to himself something mean about America and how he was 'too nice' in Russian.

After the shower, Russia took a closer look around the place, in a towel while putting on some of America's biggest clothes that still didn't fit him. He was handed his unshaka, putting it on as well all while he took in the sight of the house. It was a very nice house, with portraits of America's family and everything was organized perfectly. And Russia fell asleep on the expensive couch, until the afternoon.


Russia had already thrown up a second time, sitting at the dining room table and munching on his food with America, who had taken a liking to him previously. America had always thought Russia was a pretty cool guy, but his view of him now wasn't really altered. He felt honored to have such a big country in his house, although he wasn't that much behind Russia in size, he sure did feel like it. After they were done, America brought out Russia's clothes he wore previously, they smelled of sweet lemon and lavender. Russia went into the living room and changed, saying thanks to America for allowing him to stay in his home. America didn't mind, of course! Because he always looked up to Russia in meetings, even though America thought he was the best thing since sliced bread.

Although Russia had learnt some.....things from USSR, one thing was carved in stone, America is a bitch. To him, he was always jealous of America, because his dad was obsessed with him! And therefore, stealing what little attention him and his siblings got from their dad. But there was one good thing, America was never interested in Soviet. Russia looked down on America, being actually surprised how he treated him. America was holding Russia's only arm as he sat on the couch, nuzzling his arm. Russia didn't know what was up, America was supposed to not like him because of his dad, because Communism is a horrible ideology. But here America was, nuzzling Russia's arm, on a couch. Russia didn't mind, although he was a bit annoyed because it was America.

And the day led on! Russia slept on the couch and America slept in his bed. But the day after was a UN meeting, so they had to look good, because you're being presented in front of the United Nations!


America rushed to get ready, putting on a suit and combing his hair, all while adjusting his sunglasses he oh so loved. That protected the public from seeing his missing right eye, of course. Russia got up slowly, "неттттттт," he sleepily said and just went to the bathroom to wash his face. America looked sharp and fresh, while Russia......didn't bother to do anything but wash his face and lint roll his clothes. Russia rode in America's car to the meeting. America always came in early, but Russia usually came one minute before he was late. So, now, Russia had to wait until the meeting started. They had a bunch of time, so they mainly just talked in the meeting room until UN came out of his office and into the meeting room. America sat in his seat, and so did Russia, Russia's was all the way across the table from where America was sitting. The meeting was pretty boring, just going over some problems about countries and highlighting what people could do to change and blah blah.

After the meeting, though, Russia got up and went to go home with his brothers, Ukraine and Belarus. But Ukraine went home with Canada and now he had to help Belarus get home because he was blind. America went home again and went to his phone book, soon finding Russia's number and scribbling it down so he could talk to him more. Russia's house wasn't that nice, he inherited it from the Soviet Union and he lived with Belarus in it, it was more like a shack pretending to be a house more than it was an actual house. The windows in front were boarded up, and all the furniture was about to break, or broken, in one way or the other.

Belarus had no problem going to his room but Russia went to his, the largest room in the house mind you, and sat on his bed to think about America. Russia nor Belarus had jobs, so the only way they got money was from Belarus's disability check. Russia thought it would be real nice if America gave them some money, and if Russia played his cards right, he would. And it would be a hefty amount, but it was easier said then done.

1089 words

Thank you for reading!

Take care and don't forget to hydrate n drink some water, people care!!!!!!

Author's note: 
lmaoooo have this rewrite of an old book I never finished, don't worry, photos will b updated too since those r old!

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