Dare from Pinkie2005: Part 1

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'I dare you to ask Princess Celestia to send you to the moon and then let Twilight Sparkle be in your place'
Gosh! That's a great dare!

(Princess Luna goes up to Celestia, looking a little nervous. Celestia asks her what's wrong.
"Can you send me to the moon? For a week? And put Twilight in my place." Luna asks as Celestia lights her horn.
She then used her magic and banished Luna into the moon.
"Always wanted to do that." Celestia smiled. She then went to Twilight and asked her to take over Luna's role.
"Really?! Luna wanted that? Well... higher princesses orders!"
She then went over to Canterlot and read over Princess Luna's list.
"Hmmmmmmm... okay... sleep at day... Raise the moon... dream duty... pranks on Celestia... night supervision... seems pretty easy."

Later, at about 6-7 pm.
"Time to raise the moon!" Twilight smiled as she went onto the balcony of the room she was staying in. Then, she focused all her magic (some magic in which Luna had left behind so she could do some of the tasks.) and brought up the moon that now contained Luna.
But it skidded around the globe before settling in its usual place.
"Awesome!" She exclaims as she checks it off the list, "Now for dream duty!"
Twilight casts herself into the dream realm.
She then spends the next three hours doing almost exactly what Luna did. Then, it was time to prank Celestia.
"This shall be fun!" Twilight exclaimed. She was a little tired, but ignored that feeling.
She drew a fake moustache onto Celestia, and replaced her crown with a monocle and top hat.
Finally, it was time for the Night Supervision.
Twilight flew over the land, bored, until she landed on a hill in Ponyville.
Sleepily, Twilight kept watch over the town, but in no time, had fallen asleep.
In her dream, Twilight experienced something she found terrifying.
In the dream, Twilight was laying down, asleep on the hill, when Princess Luna appeared, shouting.
"ASLEEP ON THE JOB?!!" Luna exclaimed.
"Nooooo!!!!" Twilight cried.
"You art no longer a princess!" Luna exclaimed again.
And then ends the dream.)

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