I dare u to send Celestia to the sun and put Cadence in her place

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This shall be fun! She'll be sooo mad!
(<Luna approaches her sister Celestia.>
Luna: Are you hot?
Celestia: A little... yeah.
Luna: Well, prepare to be boiled sister!!!
<she casts a spell, as Celestia gave her a scared look and disappeared into the sun. A large red mark in the shape of a pony appeared on its fiery surface.>

<In the crystal empire, Luna and Cadence we're walking down the corridor>
Cadence: Soo... Celestia is on holidays in the sun, and she wants me to replace her? Why didn't she ask Twilight, as usual?
Luna: She wanted you. Now, let's get to Canterlot!
<The two teleported themselves to Canterlot.
Luna gave Cadence Celestia's chestplate, crown and shoes.>
Cadence: Is this necessary?
Luna: Yes! I think...
<Cadence went off to help set the sun. Luna had taken some of celestia's magic so they could perform the task>
Cadence: How long is Celestia away for?
Luna: A week... I think.
Cadence: Alright. Wow! This is hard...
Luna: We've got it!
<They lowered the sun as Luna rose the moon. It took a lot of magic, but the task was completed.>

<The next day, the two raised the sun and lowered the moon together. Cadence was visibly weakened by the task.>
Cadence: I'm not sure if I can continue this.
Luna: Neither. But we must do this for Celestia!

<By the end of the week, the two were worn out from all of the duties. Luna had continued with her normal duties, and Cadence had done Celestia's.
But the real task was the raising of the sun. Luna had to assist Cadence with its raising, as she alone would not be able to do it, even with Celestia's magic.
And then Luna also had to do the moon raising as well.
Soon, Celestia returned from the sun, angry.>
Celestia: LUNNNNNAAAA!!!!!!!
Luna: (smug) what?
Celestia: I can't believe you did that! What about my duties?
Luna: Don't worry, Cadence took care of it.
Celestia: NOO!!!!!!!
Luna: Hahaha!)

That was much fun! Me and Cadence are gonna have a break and stay at a resort for a week to get over the draining task of raising the sun everyday!
Hope u enjoyed! Follow me!

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