I dare you to prank the other princesses, the mane 6, SG and SS (Part 3)

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Woah! Who have we done so far? Oh yeah, Rarity, Cadence, Celestia, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie... well, sort of...
Back to the Brackets!
(Luna: Okay, lets go to The School of friendship! Starlight and Twilight ought to be there!
<Flies to the school>
Luna: Ooh nice! I can't wait to get pranking!
<Walks into the school, but invisible due to her spell. She snuck into Starlight's office and used her best Chrysalis impression>
Luna: <Chrysalis' voice> Starlight Glimmer!
Starlight: Huh? Who's there???
Luna: <Chrysalis voice> We are the spirit of Chrysalis, coming from our hiding place to bring you a warning note!
Starlight Glimmer: <gulps> Me?
Luna: <Chrysalis voice> Yes, You! In exactly 14 days, you will suffer a great loss! And that Loss will be YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Starlight: Uhhhhhh.....
Luna: <accidentally using her usual voice> Ha! We enjoy this!!!
Starlight: Oh, very funny, Luna. I'd recognise that laugh and voice anywhere. And Pinkie told me of your pranking spree.
Luna: Dang it! That's the second failed prank!
<flies out, as her invisibility wears off.>

<Her next prey was Spike. Using her best Rarity hornwriting, she wrote Spike a love letter from 'Rarity'.

Dearest Spike,
I love your green eyes,
Purple scales
And lack of lies.

Will you accept my love?
Meet me outside my boutique,
With a letter
Sweet and meek,

A reply to my note,
Oh Spikey I love you!
I'll never let you gloat!

Spike: Oh my! Rarity loves me!!!!
<Rushes away to write his replying letter>
Spike: We can even have kids, and get married and... LOVE EACHOTHER!!!!!
<Later, he goes to the boutique and waits outside, until Rarity goes out, crying>
Spike: Rarity? What's wrong?
Rarity: <noticing Spike and wiping the tears away> I'm fine!
Spike: I got your letter! And I'm bringing a letter, too, like you asked. And I love you too!
<Holds out his note for Rarity to read>
Rarity: That's sweet Spike, but I never sent you a letter!
<they hear a laugh and see Princess Luna flying away>
Spike: LUNA!!!!!!

<Luna then arrives at Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy has gone out to do some shopping and would return in approximately 10 minutes. Upon seeing her mountains of pets in her sanctuary, Luna used a spell to turn them all invisible for half an hour. Fluttershy arrived home 10 mins later>
Fluttershy: Angel! Angel! Where is everybody?
<She flew off to find her 'missing' pets>
Luna: Haha!!!
<20 mins later, Fluttershy returned with Apple Jack, Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie>
Fluttershy: THEYRE ALL GONE!!!!
Apple Jack: Uhhh... Fluttershy
Fluttershy: WAHHH!!
Fluttershy: WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Twilight: FLUTTERSHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fluttershy: Waaat?
<She looked around to find all of her pets sitting there, startled by her screaming>
Fluttershy: Oh. Oops. I must have overlooked a few places...

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