I dare you and Tia to make friends with the other Tia and Luna from EG

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(<Luna and Celestia enters the world of Equestria Girls, looking doubtful.>
Celestia: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Luna: Positive! This shall be fun!
<They walk towards the H/S and enter through the doors. They are used to walking on four legs, so they struggle walking on two legs>
Luna: We just have to get through the door and make friends with the 'principals' here.
Celestia: Seems easy! Where are they?
Luna: Well, according to fans, we just go down this corridor and-
<They walk down the hall and find a door labeled 'Principal's office' and enter>
(EG=Equestria girls and E= Equestria)
Celestia (EG): Who enters without a knock?!
Luna (E): it's your equestrian selves!
Luna (EG): You literally look like me
Celestia (EG): And the other one looks like me!
Celestia (E): Wanna be friends?
<The principals look at each other before bursting into laughter>
Luna (E): Our wattpad fans dared us to!
Luna (EG): You have wattpad fans too? That's awesome! <looks at readers> Hi!!
Celestia (E): Ugh, come on! So are we friends?
Celestia (EG): Those too are
Celestia (E): Well?
Celestia (EG): Okay, fine. We're friends.
Luna (E): Yes! Tia, we can go now!
Luna (EG): Awh no!
Luna (E): Sorry! But maybe in future you guys can visit us!

<The two princesses have just gone through the portal. Two faces that look almost identical to there's pop through the portal and peer at them>
Luna (EG): Well... this is the future...

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