37.) The signs in Heaven and Hell

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This is a silly story of the signs I made. I'm sorry that some zodiac appear more than others. Leo and Capricorn have the shortest lines.

In Heaven

Gemini: Oooh, so pretty!!! *Jumps on a cloud which pops and slowly falls down with it* Ahhh!!!

Leo: Ugh! Gemini why are you always so tactless!

In Mr Zeus' office

Aries and Sgittarius: *Enters Mr Zeus' office*

Sagittarius: Good God! Look Aries, Zeus actually owns a crocodile. That's so cool! *Gets closer. Ends up getting eaten*

Aries: Umm... Sagittarius?

Inside the crocodile

Sagittarius: Oh wow! Hey Taurus. Umm... How did you get eaten?

Taurus: Yo! I just felt peckish and wanted to eat the crocodile. It didn't go so well. * Picks up slimy burger*  Oh look the crocodile didn't even bite this! How lucky I am! *Eats it* Yumm!

Outside of Mr Zeus' office

Leo: *Unsure if Gemini is okay* Ugh *Looks around but no one is there* Gemini, hang on I'm coming! * Hears Gemini's screams, so quickly does a prayer*

In Hell

Pisces and Scorpio: *Cooking up dead bodies in a cauldren*

Pisces: I really hope Satan is happy with our food. *Picks out and cautiously throws a bone out of the pot in disgust*

Gemini and Leo: *Falls into the cooking pot*

Scorpio: WHAT THE!?! No. It can't be... Gemini? How did you get here?

Gemini: No! The cloud is dead! My friend is dead!

Cloud: *Flat on the floor*

Gemini: *Cries and gets out of the cooking pot*

Scorpio: Stop crying, we already got some Zodiac else upset... *Nods head to a figure in the corner of the room*

Cancer: How did I end up in Hell!? I promise I have been good. *Cries some more*

Scorpio: *Talking to Gemini* Can you believe I have to put up with this everyday!? Some zodiacs are so ungrateful. *Shakes head*

Pisces: But it is quite bad! I mean.. DON'T tell Satan I said this but he is kinda scary.

Cancer: *Moaning* WhY? WhY? *Gets in a rage and a mood* WHY ME FROM EVERYONE? HUH?

Scorpio: Be quiet Cancer you're next in the cooking pot!

Leo: *Loyal Leo already cooked in the pot*

In Heaven

In Mr Zeus' office

Mr Zeus: *Enters his office*

Mr Zeus: Libra, inform Virgo that I will be at the meeting at 1:00...

Libra: Yes got that. *Enters Mr Zeus' office*  Why did you stop? *Look up from notebook* Oh..

Aries: *Talking to the crocodile* Ye, so you say Mr Zeus is obese? GOD, I wonder what he eats...!

Libra: *Snaps photos of Aries* Nice! *Records and decides to put it on the morning papers tomorrow*

Mr Zeus: Libra! *Blushes violently* What do you think you're doing! You're FIRED! Wait... first could you send Aries to the cells?

Libra: *Gets upset and puts Aries in prison*

Aries: *Has been arguing with Libra* What did I SAY man?

In Heaven Prison

Aries: *Enters prison and looks up*

Aries: Aquarius?

Aquarius: Hey, what did you do this time kid?

Aries: *Scowls* I seriously and honestly DON'T KNOW, but what about you?

Aquarius: *Head down* Ran over Capricorn. That guy really got on my nerves. *Starts speaking in a funny voice* "How can you not know what a transformer is?" Ugh... I mean not like I don't know what it is...

In Zeus' Office

Crocodile: *Poops out Sagittarius and Taurus*

Taurus: *Still eating the burger* Sagittarius! Did you steal my food? How could you!?

Sagittarius:*Not focused and starts looking for Aries under the rug* Course I didn't! Eww! Why would I? Maybe you left it behind in the crocodile's belly?

Taurus: *Gets eaten by the crocodile again on purpose*

In Hell

Cancer: No please! HELP ME!

Pisces: Got to do this so Satan doesn't get mad. *Grabs Cancer and about to be thrown into the cooking pot*

Gemini: *Pushes Pisces into the pot instead* Pisces why did you have to kill the cloud? WHY MAKE A POT OF BODIES IN THE FIRST PLACE?

Scorpio: *Hears Pisces calling for them to help* Shall I save my helper or get an extra quantity of bone soup?

Pisces: I thought we were BFF's! *Dies*

Cancer: *Crying over Pisces being dead even though they were about to kill them* *Decides to take revenge on Gemini* *Whispers to Scorpio* Help me get revenge on gemini!

Scorpio: I like the revenge part, but nah. Anyway didn't you ask to be saved...?

Cancer: *Silenly realises Scorpio is right*

Gemini:*Hears Scorpio shout about a revenge plan* Are you taking revenge on me? *Glares at Scorpio*

Scorpio: What, no the other zodiac is! *Points at Cancer*

Cancer: *Blushes*

Gemini: *Unable to decide who is right*

In Heaven

In Heaven Prison

Aries: Haha! You actually don't know what a Transformer is? It's a children's robot show! Shame on you!

Aquarius: No. I swear Capricorn said it was to do with science and elecricity!

Aries: *Stone face* What ummm...

Aquarius: *Slowly smiles* Ha, you don't know it either!

Sagittarius: *Outside cell* Let's get out of here! *Frees them*

In Hell

Gemini: *Forgives Scorpio and Cancer, pumps cloud with helium and drags them onto it up to Heaven* Yey! We did it!


(The End)

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