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Narrator's POV

The sound of the doorbell blared through the apartment, making Y/N to jolt away from her slumber. She squinted her eye to take in her surroundings and found the surface beneath her head moving slightly. Sitting up straight, she realized that it wasn't a pillow she's been sleeping on. She had her head on Camila's lap the whole night.

"Uh... I'll go answer the do--" the brunette said with rosy cheeks but stopped mid-sentence when Y/N has already made the move to stand up. "No, you just sit there. I'll open it."

She swung the door open and was met with a well-dressed Sinuhe on the other side. "Oh. Good morning, Sinu."

The older woman stared back at Y/N, just as surprised as her to see the other there. "Y/N! Good morning."

They both just looked at each other in confusion before Camila came up from behind the Y/E/C-eyed girl. Once she saw that her mother was all dressed up, she remembered that she was supposed to attend her grandmother's birthday together.

For a moment, she was shocked to the core too to hear her mother's voice in her apartment. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I'll go get ready right now."

"I'll go help you with that," Sinu said as she walked into their apartment and straight to the bedroom, Camila in tow. Y/N slowly closed the door, still as confused as ever.

Camila quickly threw on some decent looking, loose clothes.

"You didn't tell me you and Y/N were back together." Her mother didn't sound angry or pissed or annoyed, that's a first. It was also the first time in the last three months she's initiated some sort of conversation with her.

She really didn't want to go back to the old pattern, where her parents are both disgusted and very disappointed at her, so she went along with it. "We just recently started talking again."

"That's good."

After last night, Camila really doesn't think things are anywhere near 'good' between them. Though to please her mom, she still hummed in agreement.

"Is she coming along with us?" Sinu said, clearly in a good mood.

Camila dragged out a long 'uh' as she disappeared to the bathroom to avoid any more questions. "She's busy with work. Lots of clients, so I don't think she can make it."

And her daughter was out of sight. Shaking her head to herself, Sinu joined Y/N in the living room.

When Camila returned back to the living room, she saw her mother and Y/N engaged in a conversation. She honestly had no clue what they could be talking about, and in case the Y/E/C-eyed girl is gonna burst her lie, Camila lousily interrupted them. "Dad and Sofi are waiting in the car, let's go."

Y/N walked the two Cabellos to the door before leaning against it. She locked eyes with Camila and gave her a small nod.

"Bye mija. I hope to see you soon again."

Camila looked at her mother with wide eyes. Did she just call Y/N my daughter? She really did. Of course, she's been calling her that for years but... Her gaze carefully wandered over to the Y/E/C-eyed girl only see her giving the older woman a sweet smile.


"Same," Y/N replied. She then leaned forward and gave Camila a quick peck on her cheek. "Have fun you two. Bye bye."

Camila really wondered what the two have talked about.


Camila's grandmother was very happy to see everyone visiting her for her birthday. They've spent the majority of the day at her grandparents' house before moving to the restaurant for dinner.

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