Epilogue 2.0

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Narrator's POV

The sound of a baby's crying blared through the dead silent apartment, alarming the house that she's probably either hungry or had taken a poo in her diaper.

Y/N jolted awake from her sleep and almost fell off the bed from the sudden loud noise. She quickly scrambled to her feet before sprinting her way to the nursery room. On her way there, she noticed that the bathroom door was closed but without any water sounds coming from inside, so she made a mental note to check up on that after she's taken care of the baby.

Rushing inside the room, the Y/E/C-eyed woman found little Maya crying even harder than before. She picked up the baby from her crib and see if that could stop the crying.

It couldn't.

She cradled the baby in her arms and swayed softly as she walked around in the room. The diaper didn't feel full so that's not it. She also tried to see if she just wanted to burp, but that's also a no. She's pretty sure Camila's fed her not so long ago, so that's off the list too. It also doesn't seem like she's not feeling well either...

After half an hour of mindlessly pacing around and stressing the shit out of herself, Y/N finally managed to stop the baby's wailing. Or more like, the baby stopped crying because she's worn herself out with it and just passed out of exhaustion in her mom's arms.

Sighing to herself, Y/N put Maya back in her crib and plopped down on the sofa placed next to it. She really wondered how Camila managed to deal with this every morning. Speaking of which... what the hell is she doing in the bathroom that she has to ignore her baby's needs for?

The Y/E/C-eyed girl carefully made her way to the bathroom and slowly peeked her head to find any sight of her fiancée. She found her sitting on the put-down toilet seat with her face buried in her hands.

"Are you okay, babe?" she called out softly.

Camila looked up, showing her tear-stained cheeks for a split second before frantically wiping the traces of tears away with the back of her hands. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said with a hiccup. "I was just t-thinking. What's up?"

Y/N rubbed the back of her neck. "Nothing. I was just wondering cause you couldn't even hear Maya crying--"

"What?!" the brunette choked out as she quickly stood up in full panic mode. "She was crying? How could I have not heard that? When was it? Is she still crying? Why didn't my maternal instincts kick in? Did--"

She tried to storm past the Y/E/C-eyed woman to check up on her baby girl but got stopped by a pair of arms wrapping around her. By now tears have started flowing out of her eyes again. Y/N tried to hush her down as she stroked Camila's hair, trying to calm her down again. "It's okay. I've taken care of it, she's back to sleep now. Don't worry."

Camila continued to mumble incomprehensible stuff against Y/N's shoulder as she cried harder. "I'm such a bad mom. I--"

"Oh, shut up." Y/N pulled away from their embrace a little bit and went to cup Camila's face with both hands. "Being a mom is a really big thing. You're already doing one hell of a good job at it, so don't let one small mistake cover all of that. You should really get some rest. We can take turns to look after Maya, you know?"

After Maya was born, there wasn't a moment where Camila really has gotten some rest. She's just constantly worrying about her to the point that she barely sleeps at night because she's scared that something might happen in her sleep. Y/N has tried to take some weight off her fiancée's shoulders, but that just results in her getting pushed away every time.

It feels like lately the brunette's on the verge of mentally breaking down with how exhausted she's making herself.

Camila pushed Y/N away from her. "I can take care of her myself. I don't need your help. She's my baby--"

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