Chapter 12 The Memory That Never Left

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"R-Rachel...?" I stuttered.

"Hey Luna.. It's been awhile huh? How have you been?" She said with a slight smile. I was to shocked too say anything. How the hell is she alive? I know she died the same way that boy did. I know it!






"Luna? Are you alright?" Ciel asked me. I still couldn't say anything. I took off running straight to my room. Vinncent saw me and followed after. Why is she here? Why?

Ciel's P.o.V

Why did Luna run off like that? Does it have to do with her past? Or this girl?

"I'm really sorry about that Ms...?" I said looking at Luna's friend.

"You can call me Rachel. And it's not your fault. Levi and I are suppose to be dead. She "saw" us die. But we didn't die." Rachel explained. Levi? Why is that name so familiar to me?

My brother?! H-he's alive?! But how? "You both knew Levi?" I asked trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Yeah. He was like a big brother to us. Even tho we were all the same age." She said with a nervous laugh. "Do you know who Levi really is?" I asked her.

"Not really. Did you know who Levi is?" She asked me looking confused. I guessed she really didn't know who he is since he's my twin.

"Levi is my twin brother. I'm surprised that you didn't notice the similarity." I said crossing my arms. "So tell me, what's the real reason your here?" I asked already knowing about the letter the Queen gave me. Apparently Rachel and Levi are trying to take Luna and do something to her. 

They were going to brainwash her. I'm not going to allow that to happen.Luna means to much to me. She has changed me. "Were wanting Luna to come with us. Levi has something planned for her." She said.

And as I suspected, I was right. What was the point in all of this? I need to find out quickly. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you take Luna. She's staying with me." I said keeping my arms crossed.

Luna's P.o.V

After I took off from outside, I ran to my room. Vinncent followed behind me, closing my bedroom door.

"What's wrong, Master?" Vinncent asked with a worried tone, as he sat next to me.

"That girl. That... Rachel. She found me. I... uh ran away because of her. Rachel and Levi were trying to farce me into one of there plans." I explained to him. "I see. What is your order?" He asked.

"I need you to keep them away from me. Or you keep me away from them." I ordered. "As you wish, M'Lady." Vinncent said bowing. How could she be here? And on top of that, why now?

Vinncent's P.o.V

Rachel and Levi, huh? There back.. I thought I got rid of them? I guess not. I looked at Luna and she was shaking badly. I scooted closer to her and hugged her tightly. She buried her face in my chest. I started rubbing her back. After a few minutes, I noticed her breathing had slowed down. She had fallin asleep. I laid her down on her bed and laid next to her.

The only time I do this is if she is scared or doesn't want someone to get. Every time I do this, to me, I think she feels safer than before. I sat up because there was a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?" I asked in a stern tone. "It's Ciel. Can I come in?" He asked in a worried tone. I guess I wasn't the only one as worried as I was. "Come in." I answered. Ciel walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat on the other side of the bed, were Luna was at and looked at her. Then he spoke.

"How is she?"

"She has ordered me to keep Rachel and Levi away from her. She is really scared. Those two were the reason for her running away a long time ago." I explained. He just nodded.

"Vinncent?" He looked straight at me.

"Yes Lord Phantomhive?"

"Please, when it's just us two, call me Ciel," I nodded. "Vinncent I-I... I beg you to p-please pro-protect her at all co-cost.." Ciel added stuttering. Kinda almost sounding like he wanted to cry.

"You have my word. I will protect her with my life," I say, then sighing. "And Ciel please do the same. Protect her at all costs." I added.

"I will. Don't worry. I had Sebastian make all the guests leave. I also told the Queen and she had me have the Manor on lock down no one is aloud to enter or leave, until I feel like it is safe enough to leave. The only ones I feel safe to leave right now is you and Sebastian." He explained. I nodded.

Ciel got up and said he will leave so he could get some sleep and also sort all of this mess out. And so he doesn't wake up Luna. I just hope that Ciel will keep his promise like me. But since demons don't usually sleep, I got up and did a little research on Rachel and Levi. And yes I stayed Luna's room.

Apparently Levi is twin of Ciel. Rachel was a childhood friend of Luna. Actually Ciel, Levi, Rachel, and Luna were all childhood friends. I guess Ciel must of forgot because of what he thought happened to Levi, and also what happened to his parents.





Stay Fresh M'Friends


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