Superhero stuff

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Peters PoV

I'm the one and only spider man so I need to look over my neighbourhood, but (y/n) seems off, like something happened and it effected him

Your PoV

I am standing on the roof in front of someone who calls himself, Ziran?

Ziran: "you may not know the story of the Naturals"

"I do.... I think, the one where an ancient civilisation could control different powers?"

Ziran: "only select few of the civilisation could control powers those powers were either human, animal or elemental"

Ziran: "a natural is someone who controls only one human characteristic/trait, an animal type/trait or an elemental power only could control one, it couldn't be two elements, animals or human abilities"

Ziran: "but you.... can control all elements and a selection of animals, mainly, wolf, lion, dragons, Phoenix, panther and more.... and now spider I guess?"

".... wait what human powers are there?"

Ziran: "blood, sense, adaptation knowledge and choice"

Ziran: "life and death is only controlled by the being of ETERNITY only summoned by either the staff of life or uniting all eternity gems together.... you are the next Natural god of dragon, elemental Demi god and.......humane elemental demon"

"Wait humane, So I have human abilities as well?"

Ziran: "you are the Natural god, king of the Box Clan, it's currently based in a hidden part of Scotland that was struck by a multiversal meteor that came from a realm called *******  with a large amount of metals called Spootanium and Wattanium"

"....where is this now?"

Ziran: "a small island just north of Scotland"

"Right, So any lethal side effects or weaknesses?"

Ziran: "your not exactly immortal"

".......fair enough, but any weaknesses?"

Ziran: "not particularly, but you can still be killed"

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) wearing a cape

I am now on my way home when I hear a familiar voice

Ziran: "we can talk telepathically"


Ned: "So I was thinking we should do something like

"So do you like have a different dorm or do you like share a dorm"

Peter: "bunk beds in one room, my aunts room and a spare room where you are for now"

"Oh, Nice"

We go to all our classes then Ned goes back to the dorm with Peter, while I go off into town to buy a new hoodie, new shoes, some materials and a pair of jeans and tracksuit bottoms for a costume

When I get back I had this outfit and some combat style boots

(Image at the top) Just for now and the shirt is in (F/c) and with my logo on it (the necklace is a relic you find later)


Ziran: "that is not a super suit"

'No it's a super awesome suit, now catchphrase? Na'

Ziran: "name?"

'Easy..... *5 minutes later* uhh, I'll think about it'

Ziran: "you'll need a mask... the hood doesn't cover your whole face"

'I have spare materials'

So I make a (f/c) mask (like Spider-Man's from homecoming)

Ziran: "looks good"

"What next?"

Ziran: "the name..."

"Ummm how about Natural?"

Ziran: "😑creative, took you this long to come up with that?"

'What? It's not bad'

I see some thugs entering a store


I can see two with a gun another one with a crow bar, one with a baseball bat and two more. I jump of the roof then slide down the wall. Cross the street and enter the store

"Fake cough, Hey do you guys have any Dr Pepper?"
They all aim their guns at me

"Wait do you even work here?"
I jokingly ask pretending I didn't know

Thug-1: "Yeah we're closed"

"The sign said your open though"
I whined mocking them

Thug-2: "you got a death wish kid"

"It's modern day life who above the age of 10 doesn't"

They glance At each other confused

"Anyway I'm gonna ask you once give up,  stop aiming that gun at me and stop being so fucking obviously a criminal"

The two with a crowbar and a baseball bat charge at me so I dive roll in between them so I was in the middle. I grab the guns out of the thugs hands when they were processing what happened ((in a matter of fact voice)their stupid) and toss them to the opposite side of the store

I duck under an attack from the bat and step back missing one from the crowbar, I kick one on the leg causing him to fall onto another knocking them both down

The one with the crowbar: "I'll kill you"
He tried to hit me but I caught the weapon holding it in place I side kick him into a wall knocking him out the the one with the bat swings down at me so I blocked it then swipe under their legs making them fall

"I'd stop if I were you"
I say in a sing song way

Two of five were knocked out and one was scared the other two ran at me

"Guys, just stop"

I duck and dodge all their punches and when I crouched to duck I stood up head butting one knocking them out the last two try to run one at me the other away so I stop the one from escaping by grabbing his jacket and tossing him into the other one knocking them over. I place one foot on them as the police get in

Policeman-1: "your under arrest!"

Cashier: "Wait this man saved me"

Policeman-2: "oh sorry about that, what's your name"

"You can call me, The Natural"

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