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I looked at Jaehyun who managed to operate the object called a laptop. It was nice of Yeonsa to leave little pieces of paper with our language on top of the corresponding keys for us. The only trouble was trying to understand the text that appeared afterwards. Jaehyun knew more about the Korean language that Yeonsa spoke than I did, and he would try his best to translate for me.

"Isn't this funny?" he said while laughing.

I didn't get it. I only understood a few words. I looked at him then sighed. I left the room then tugged at my choker. According to Jaehyun it wasn't a collar. As expected, it didn't budge. How much longer did we have to stay here? I wanted to find my home. Did I have friends? Did I love someone? I didn't know. Anything about my past was hazy.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Jaehyun asked from behind me.

"Yeah. Just go back and have fun." I said before closing the bedroom door behind me.

I flopped onto the bed and lied facing the wall. I looked at my wrists and saw the same three black circles and two white circles. What did they mean? I sat up and decided to do a bit of investigating on my own. We couldn't always rely on Yeonsa. I slipped out of the room then headed out of the house.

I found myself in an unfamiliar area. I didn't know how to get back. I entered a store then sat at one of the seats by the window. What would Yeonsa do in a situation like this? I then remembered the rectangular object she often used. I didn't have one like she did. Even if I did, I couldn't operate it. There wasn't a setting for Star language. I let my head hit the surface in front of me. I couldn't do anything on my own.

"Hey..." I heard someone say in Star language.

I looked and saw it wasn't Jaehyun or Yeonsa. Who was this person? She smiled softly then sat next to me. She had an olive green choker but no bracelets. Where were her bracelets?

"Where are they?" I asked while shaking my wrists.

"Gone. I can help you get them off, but you'll have to trust me." she said with a serious face.

"What will happen if they come off?" I asked.

"You'll get your memories back." she said with a smile.

I certainly did want my memories back, but how was I to know if she meant what she said? How did she even know that was what I wanted? I reached towards her choker then had my hand slapped.

"What are you doing?" she hissed.

"I just wanted to touch your choker..." I said dejected.

"It's not coming off, trust me." she said as she pulled on it. It didn't move like she said. "See?"

I nodded then sighed. I decided to trust her so I wouldn't be a burden to Yeonsa, Jaehyun and whoever that weird guy was that stopped by at times. I followed her out of the store then noticed she walked me over to an object that had just pulled up. I stepped back unfamiliar of the object in front of me.

"It won't hurt you." she said then ushered me in. I sat down then found the seat strangely bouncy. "Alright, we're going to get those bracelets off for you."

I looked out the window as the object started to move. Was it supposed to do that?

"What is this thing?" I asked.

"A car. It's very useful with transporting people." she said.

I nodded then messed with the objects on my side. I noticed the window moved up and down when I pressed on a side. I flipped another object back and forth then pulled the handle. It opened.

"Close that you idiot!" she hissed.

I quickly closed it then heard a noise. I started to miss Jaehyun.

I sat in a room with no windows, no anything. The walls were monotonous and the door was made out of some strong metal. My wrists were bound by metal as well. I didn't know what to do. The metal door opened and the woman stepped in with two others. She pulled off her choker then said something to the two men behind her.

"You're going to be our test subject. Our last experiment didn't end well... for her." she said then turned on her heel.

Her? Who was she referring to? I didn't have time to dwell on it as I needed to get out. There was a horrible stench coming from ahead of us. They didn't seem affected by it. I flailed around and managed to break free of their holds. I ran and hoped I could find an exit. Everything was in Korean. I looked around then hid in the nearest room as I heard them coming.

I kept quiet as I hid myself. The door opened and they searched around. They left after a while of searching. I poked my head out then dashed down the hall. I saw a red sign with words that weren't Korean. I went through the door underneath it and went downstairs. I pushed another door open and found myself outside somewhere.

I wandered around aimlessly wondering how I'd get back to Yeonsa's house. I sat off to the side of the road then felt something wet on my face. I then felt it on my hands. I never imagined I'd see water fall from the sky. I guessed this was the rain Yeonsa and Jaehyun mentioned. It continued to fall and my clothes started to become wet. I wondered how long it would rain. I stood up then kept walking away from the place.

My head bobbed as I had started feeling sleepy. There weren't any people around. Just trees and road for as far as my eyes could see. I noticed lights in the distance then moved out of sight in fear they'd find me and take me back. The car stopped a little ways and three people had gotten out. I hid further into the trees and also sheltered myself from the rain.

"Changhyun!" a familiar voice called out.

I couldn't move even if I wanted to. So I yelled. Jaehyun soon appeared before me with worry all over his face. I started to shiver as the rain had gotten heavier and pierced through the trees.

"How did you get all the way out here? And what are these?" he asked as he walked me back to the car.

"I wanted to stop being a burden. I'm not skilled at anything and I'm struggling with Korean. I wanted to be useful..." I whispered as the car took off.

"Stupid, you can't trust people so easily..." he said as he hit my arm. "When I couldn't find you... I..."

I looked at him as he remained quiet. Was he going to finish his sentence?

"I couldn't think straight... I was panicking... If anything happened to you, I couldn't bear the thought..." said Jaehyun in a sad tone.

I turned my body then held his hand. The sharp pain had come back. We pulled away then looked at each other. I was surprised to see him reach out again. We held hands again, but this time a different sensation was present.

"Please don't disappear like that ever again..." Jaehyun said softly.

"I'm sorry. I promise." I responded then held his hand a bit tighter.

The rain had gotten lighter as Yeonsa's friend drove us back home. The entire ride there we held hands and I had ended up falling asleep. What I didn't know was that Jaehyun had let me lie against him when I did until we had arrived back.

Little Star | 2Hyun✅Where stories live. Discover now