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I watched along with Doyoung as Jaehyun chased Soojin around. Soojin had gotten bigger over the years. She had entered school quite a few years back and seemed to be doing well in her studies.

"Hey, Doyoung." I called out as Soojin had given Jaehyun the slip. He gave me his attention. "Don't you worry sometimes when you send her off to school? It is a bit far from Gravnul."

"I do. I can't be sure that what she tells me is true. I worry that my baby girl might actually need help with her studies or that she's being bullied or doing the bullying. And then there's puberty and hormones." Doyoung said in a sad voice.

I nodded in understanding. She had entered her adolescence years and could end up dating. Then there were emotional and mental fluctuations too. Compared to humans, ours weren't as serious. Though, there have been some stars who were diagnosed with depression.

"So, today's the day isn't it?" Doyoung asked as Soojin started heading in our direction.

"Seems like it, yeah." I replied as I fiddled with the necklace. "Time passed so quickly, since I was cooped up most of the time..."

"Dad! I successfully tired out Uncle Jaehyun! He's practically crawling back." Soojin said triumphantly.

I had thought she was joking, but Jaehyun really was crawling back to us. I left my spot and helped Jaehyun back over. He wheezed in my arms then gave Soojin's leg a little smack.

"You're nothing but trouble, Soo." he said in a weak voice.

She stuck her tongue out then was popped on the mouth by Doyoung. She covered her mouth then apologized. I smiled softly as Doyoung shouldn't worry too much about Soojin straying as his parenting was pretty good.

"There you are." a voice said from behind us.

We turned around and saw Minhyun jogging over to us. Soojin left Doyoung's lap to run and give Minhyun a hug. I smiled softly as I thought of my childhood. I then started to miss my parents.

"Ah, Min. We need to go." said Doyoung hurriedly as he got up from his spot.

"Right. Soojin, I'll race you home." Minhyun said then let Soojin get a head start.

Soon Jaehyun and I were alone. I looked at him as he lied across my lap with his eyes closed. I poked his cheeks and caused him to open his eyes. He sat up and our necklaces started to glow. The hearts snapped off of their settings and returned to their original form.

"Eh, it's already time...?" Jaehyun said as he held the hearts.

I nodded then took mine. He looked at me then down at his heart. What was going through his mind? I started to put my heart away then noticed he had stopped me.

"Chang, I... I don't want it to end." he said softly.

"Jae... I really loved our time together, but I don't want you to waste time on me. I've been thinking about it for the past year. I don't think I'm a good match for you." I said as I made my heart disappear.

"Shut up. I get to decide who's a good fit for me. And I say you are. If you weren't, would I still be with you at this moment? Would I be arguing with you about wanting to stay together?" said Jaehyun as he kept himself from crying.

I frowned heavily as he ended up crying anyway. I started to wipe his face then felt him hug me tight. I loved him, I really did. I wanted to be with him for as long as I lived, but I felt that there was someone better for him out there.

"Please, don't do this Chang..." he mumbled into my chest.

"Do you really want me?" I asked despite knowing the answer.

"Yes. A trillion times, yes." he replied then looked at me with his watery eyes. "Chang, I want you to marry me."

I blinked rapidly then looked at the deep rose heart in his hand. He wanted to marry me. He wanted me, despite everything I put him through during our adolescence nearing adulthood. I kissed his cheeks then smiled warmly.

"Was that your grand proposal?" I teased.

"No..." he mumbled then scooted away from me. "I can do it better."

"Then?" I said then made my heart appear.

He cleared his throat then held my hands. I patiently waited as he thought.

"Chae Changhyun, would you do me the honor of becoming my universally wedded husband?" asked Jaehyun before he held up his heart.

I kept quiet as I wanted to see him squirm. I knew he had just put himself out there and I only wanted to tease him a bit. Naturally, my answer would be yes anyway. He started to frown.

"Yes, I will." I finally replied then held up my heart as well.

They started to glow then shrunk and turned into rings. I looked at them in awe. They looked different from the Kims' rings. I actually liked that they were different. Doyoung's was thicker than ours and their hearts were inside a circle. Ours on the other hand were thin and our hearts were put in a setting.

"They're so pretty..." Jaehyun commented before turning my hand and putting his ring on my finger. "I hope you treasure it..."

I turned his hand then put my ring on his finger. He pulled me into a hug and I returned the gesture. If he really wanted this, then I had no objections.

"I can't wait for the wedding. And then our first child..." he said with a dreamy look.

"'First child'? Don't tell me you want more than one..." I replied.

"You don't?" Jaehyun asked innocently.

I waved it off then rose from my spot before helping him up.

"Why don't we tell the Kims about it and get some advice?" I said as I pulled him along.

"Sounds good." replied Jaehyun as he swung our hands.

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