Ex 4

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I rubbed my eyes then noticed Jaehyun wasn't beside me. I briefly panicked before realizing he probably went to the kitchen for food. I slipped out of bed then yawned as tiredness was still within me. As I stepped out of the room, a sweet aroma filled my nostrils, making me quicken my pace. I poked my head into the kitchen and saw Jaehyun placing food on two plates.

"Morning Jae." I said as I walked in.

"Morning my love." he said cheerily while trying to balance a blueberry atop a banana slice.

I walked over to him then wrapped my arms around his waist. What made it cute was that I usually disappeared behind him as I was shorter. He stopped working then turned around in my hold.

"You're not usually one to initiate things. Something on your mind?" asked Jaehyun as he pulled me into a hug.

"Sometimes we should expect the unexpected. You know?" I said as I buried my face into his chest.

He kissed the top of my head then went back to the plates of food. The pancakes looked delicious as I could pick out many fruits embedded in them.

"Go have a seat. And what do you want to drink?" he asked.

"Alcohol." I joked then received a stern look from him. "I'm joking. Just some milky juice would be good."

He sat down with me and began to eat. He was usually chatty, but today seemed different. I was used to abnormal days as it's been a few years since we got married. Though, this time I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Jae, is something on your mind?" I asked softly.

"No. I think I'm still a bit tired." he said while giggling sweetly.

He always giggled like that if something was on his mind. Somehow he himself never realized it.

"Jae, I'm here for you. I'll listen, so tell me whenever you're ready to speak." I said as I held his hand tightly.

"I want a child." he blurted out, surprising the both of us.

We looked at each other and Jaehyun's face started to fall. He pulled away from me and left his seat and his food untouched. I watched him walk away, wondering how long he's been keeping quiet about it. I left my seat as well and sought him out.

"Jae, let's discuss the child matter after we eat, okay? You're going to be hungry later." I said as I walked over to the bed. "Okay?"

"Okay..." he replied quietly before taking my hand.


I sat him down on the couch then held his hands. He pressed his forehead against mine and I pushed him back.

"So, how long have you been thinking about this?" I asked.

"A few weeks..." he replied. "A month in a few days."

"Okay. You didn't want to discuss with me earlier because...?" I asked.

"I didn't think you'd want to..." he said quietly.

I silently thought as Jaehyun kept his eyes off of me. I rubbed the back of his hands with my thumbs then smiled.

"I would love to have a child with you." I answered softly.

He looked at me wide eyed.

"Really? Or are you just trying to make me happy...?" he asked full of doubt.

"I mean it, Jae. I want to raise a child with you." I said then had the wind knocked out of me from his embrace.


I turned in my sleep then found myself waking up late into the night. For some reason I couldn't rest easy. I looked at Jaehyun who slept peacefully beside me. I gently stroked his hair then received a pleased sigh. I hadn't been able to sleep well ever since we went to the temple to receive the universe's blessing for a child. Jaehyun on the other hand had started to sleep earlier and wake up later than he usually did. I moved to go to the kitchen then felt something touch my hand.

"You're up again...?" Jaehyun mumbled with barely open eyes.

Again? Had he seen me before?

"Again...?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded then said this is the tenth time he's heard and seen me up in the dead of night. I frowned as I didn't know I was disturbing him. "I'm sorry. I just can't sleep well for some reason."

"Maybe being held might help...?" he said then pulled me close to him.

I lied down so I could rest my back against his chest. I noticed something was different about his stomach but simply brushed it off to be a pillow.


I woke up then found myself alone in bed. Jaehyun's side of the bed looked a mess. I quickly hopped out of bed and headed straight for the kitchen. He wasn't there. I checked around and confirmed he wasn't there either. My husband was missing. Gone into thin air without as much as a note. I moved to call Doyoung then stopped when I heard the door open.

"Jae! Where were you!?" I shouted as I rushed over to him, only to stop at a peculiar sight. "Jae...?"

"It's perfectly normal, so don't freak out." he said as he dragged himself over to the couch then plopped down. "I'm perfectly healthy."

I walked over to him then poked his stomach. It was pretty round. It resembled that of a human's beer belly. Was he really perfectly fine?

"Where did you go...?" I asked as I continued to poke his belly.

"Doctor. I'll be going a lot more until I can't on my own." he said then looked at me with watery eyes. "My back aches."

I had him lie on his side then started to rub his back with pressure. He let out sounds of content to let me know when I was doing a good job. I noticed he stopped making sounds, so I peered into his face and saw he had fallen asleep. I mustered all of my strength to carry him back to the bed in our room.

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