(10)Holy frigerator oneshot

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I have no regrets

Sonics P.O.V

I was so hungry for somthing that I forgot shadow was taking to me. In the middle of him talking I turned around and left toward the frigerator. I bent over and stuck my head in the frigerator nothing was in it and when I mean nothing I mean NOTHING. Not even little racks to put stuff on. I was about to pull my head out when I felt myself being rammed from behind.

"AUH! Ahh~"

I began to shake from the pleasure. I turned my head to see none other than shadow. Shaodw saw my flushed face and smirked.He thruster in and out of me like it was a breeze. I moaned like a bitch till I felt myself coming to my end.

"Ah~Ah~AHM♡ S-Shadow I'm so so close, pull out I-d dont want cum in the frige AHHHH~~PLEASE♡" I pleaded because I dont want tails to look in the frige and yell at me for spilling 'milk' in here.

Shadow put his finger over the tip of my member to prevent me from cumming in the cold box. I felt the refrigerator become less cold due to our heat. Shadow kept on thrusting till he knew I felt pain in my lower area at that point. He pulled me out of the fridge and made me cum on the floor. After a few more thrust he came inside me. I had to clean up my own mess while shadow closed the fridge.

After that we sat down and he said,"Dont fucking ignore me when I'm fucking confessing my feelings dip shit."

I responded,"Ok sorr- WAIT WhAT THE FRIGERATOR?!"


sinadow and I were messing around sorry it's so short but I had a laugh while writing this so thanks for the request!


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