Shadows P.O.V
The doctor called me and infinite to the main base hall as he said he had a 'suprise guest' and a soon to be 'new team member'. I met infinite half way there and we started to chat and tried to guess who it was.
"Bet ya its pretty blue boy." Infinite said. "Hmm good choice. I uh think its gonna be hothead. It's not the first time eggman had tricked him to coming to our side. Hell it's not even the 100th time." We both chuckled at my statement as we knew it was true.
We shook hands as a seal if the bet.We were outside the door of the main hall. We looked at eachother then opened it. Fuck. I lost.
There was sonic the fucking hedgehog . Tied to a chair, with the doctor in front of him.We saw the doctor turn around, red in the face he came toward us. He huffed out,"I wanted sonic to join us but he refuses so he is now as useless as Cubot! Get rid of him for me. Both of you." He walked out the door and locked it. We both looked at eachother and then at him. He gave us a blank stare and a slight wave.
We went to the corner of the room to discuss how we were going to get rid of him. "So.. clean and painless or slow and bloody?" I asked. "How about we have fun with him first~ think about it! What could we do to him to satisfy us?" Infinite said as he gave me a look. I understood him perfectly. I gave a nod and we walked to him. We stood there in front of him.
"You guys are hella loud. What ya gonna do? Dye my fur? I hear that's satisfying" He said in a playful tone. Oh hes is too nieve sometimes. "Heh how about I get head and you work his lower half?" I said as I saw Sonics eyes shrink now knowing what we meant by 'satisfying'. Infinite nodded in agreement.
3rd person P.O.V
Sonics confidence went away in a flash and insecurities flooded him. Shadow Untied him from the chair but tied his hands together before he could try and fight back. Shadow sat in the chair instead. Forcing Sonics head to be between the ebony's legs. Sonic was on all fours as infinite was at his entrance. Ready for the signal to ram him. But first infinite began to rub against Sonics entrance to tease him and to get him hard. Sonic was scarred as shadow force sonic to lick his seth to get it to emerge and become hard for him. This was all too much for the hedgie as he began to shake in fear which only turned on the dominant males. Suddenly sonic looked up and saw shadow give a nod. Sonic screams where muffled as he was rammed from behind and being forced to take shadow whole at the same time. The tip of shadows member going past the back of his mouth. It was in his throat slightly. "Ahgg! SCOP!" Sonic tried to scream but shadow began to thrust into his mouth roughly. It hurt the azure but he couldn't do anything as he felt infinite pounding him from behind.He could feel blood going down his leg as infinites roughness was to much.The jackals grip on the azures hips tightened as he went faster. Loving the azures soft tight virgin walls. He never felt somthing so good. The same for shadow. Sonics mouth was warm, almost hot. His mouth was so soft and Sonics whimpers were a major turn on to the ebony. He loved his position.
Infinite bent over to Sonics ear as he whispered in a seductive tone,"How do like being fucked both ways~ Who's better~?" As he said that he hit Sonics prostate head on. "MWA~" Sonic moaned out. That was an answer enough to the jackal as he increased in speed. He was at his limit.
Shadow growled as he didnt like being second best. He grabbed Sonics quills and tugged it hard. Making sonic moan and sending vibrations to his member. Making shadow groan. And cumming down the ukes throat. And at that time Infinite came into him aswell. Both semes filled there victim. Shadow pulled out and stood up. Realeasing the azures mouth. "Ahh~ ... huh...huh.." sonic panted as he felt empty on both sides. Sonics arms were about to give up when he felt his head being pulled up by two fingers under his chin. He saw infinite in the chair,member erect.
"My turn doll face~" The jackal gave a toothy grin before started to thrust into the mouth of his victim. Sonic moaned out as he felt himself being pounded from behind again but this time by shadow. Sonic was at a lost for words as the same process continued till the both had there way with him 4 times each. The pain in the ukes eyes never leaving.
#Time skip to after#
"So.... huh.... I think we should.... keep him around.. its not like..huh. eggman owns us... we listen to him out of pity right...Heh" Infinite panted a bit as he collected himself along with shadow. Sonic laying on his back on the floor with cum coming out of the azures mouth and entrance. He passed out during there 4th. "Yeah...huh... hell be our litttle... Fuck toy~" shadow said as both him and infinite shared an evil smile.
Shadow picked up their unconscious victim and put him in a sound proof cell that was near both there rooms so they both could have him whenever they wanted. The ebony hedgehog and jackal left without a word, satisfied of there work.
Hello there this was my first threesome. I now have experience! Yay? This was requested by Ficlover17. Have an amazing day everyone

Sonadow one shots(others maybe)
FanfictionI'm a really big sonadow fan and have a lot of smut one shots so if you like that then read it. this is also my first book so beware.