Shadows P.O.V
"Oh my chaos shadow thats the most pathetic thing I ever heard! You have never kissed anyone? How old are you,17?" Rouge and the gang laughed at me. Well excluding sonic as he was in the kitchen getting popcorn while we were in the living room."S-Shut up! I was in a capsule most of that time! Also a kiss is a simple lip to lip contact is all." I said in annoyance and embarrassment. "You know there are different kinds of kisses right?" Knuckles said. My face went blank.
"Yeah there is a normal kiss the one you described, the peck, the French~, and the suprise one." Rouge said in a 'you know this right?' Way.
They bursted out laughing. Even the young fox boy. Sonic walked in and said,"What we laughing about?"
Amy between laughing said"Shadow... never...kissed.. anyone IN HIS LIFE..HAHAHA". Sonic turned his head in my direction and said," yes he has." The room went silent. I had a confused face."huh? I have?"
"Yeah! This one!" Sonic walked over and gave me a small peck on the lips and walked back as he heard the pop corn being ready. My face was as red as the echidna. Amy had a heartbroken face. Rouge and Knuckles mouth almost fell to the floor. Silver and blaze gave a sweet smile. And the fox walked into the kitchen giving a high five to his brother.
Sonic walked back and sat down next to me."So what we watching?" He said while having popcorn in his mouth. Amy stood up walked in front of sonic and said in a sad way,"Sonic do you-you like guys?"
"Hmm? No I thought I give shadow a nice one on one lesson on how to kiss someone. If he wants I could teach him all of them." Sonic said in a calm way.
I turned towards him and said,"really?"
"Yeah itll be fun"
"Ok then next week since everyone else is gonna be in New York for the awards" I said plainly.
Everyone looked at us in shock. The whole gang(excluding me and sonic) was going to an awards thing in NY we were told to go too, but me and sonic arnt into taking credit or dressing fancy.
-time skip to Friday afternoon-
I knocked on the blue hedgehogs door waiting for him to open up. It only took 8 seconds for him to open it.
"Hey shadz. Why so early?" He said in a confused way.
"Just want to get it done is all." I said. I had a plan, I looked up the kisses I was going to learn and the French one was the one I was most excited to learn. I had a little plan to get what I wanted from sonic. I wonder how loud he gets?
3rd person P.O.V
Sonic stood in front of shadow in his room."Alright give me a small peck on the lips."the blue one said as he stood still waiting for it. Shadow gladly complied. He leaned down and gave sonic a quick peck on his lips. 'Hmm soft' shadow thought. Sonic gave a smile and a 'good job'.
"Ok how bout a normal kiss, a little lip lock and a longer kiss. Got it?"
Shadow nodded and grabbed the smaller hedgehog by his waist and locked lips with him. It was a sweet one to say the least. Sonic pulled back,"heh yeah like that. Alright which one is next?" Sonic grabbed shadows hands and tried to pull them off his waist. Key word TRIED. Shadows grip tightened and said in a seductive tone,"How about a French one? "
"Oh um are you sure? If you really want to then I guess-" sonic said in an unsure way.
Shadow smiled and bent down so he was face to face with the blue blur. Sonic leaned in too with his mouth a gape. Shadow did the same. Once in contact. Shadow shoved his tounge inside of the blue ones mouth. Sonic immediately pulled away and said," ok how about a more gentle approach. Slowly slid it in and I'll help you from there.Follow my lead." Shadow a bit taken back gave a nod. And went back into the kiss. Shadow slowly slid his tounge into the others mouth and rubbed it against Sonics. Sonic did it back and even started to suck it.
Sonic pulled away with a string of saliva connecting there tounges.
"Ahem.. yeah ya did good. I uh.... think you should go now. Your lesson is over hehe. But next tim-Mmm!" Shadow had cut him off by a kiss. The kiss was a normal one then it escalated to a French. Sonic let out a moan before realizing what he was doing.
"Mmwa~ shadow w-wait this is wrong s-stop please.... Ahh Nhg~" Sonic moaned a bit as he felt his pants become tight.
Shadow then slipped his hand down palming him through his pants. Sonic gave a slight jolt in response. Shadow pulled away giving a smirk. "How was that? Did I do a suprise kiss?"
Sonic responded by shaking his head 'yes'.
Shadow then pinned him down on the floor. With Sonics help they undressed themselves. Shadow then took position at his entrance.shadow looked at sonic with a smug look on his face and said,"You want it? Ask for it doll face."
Sonics face went crimson and closed his eyes tightly and put his arms over his face and said ," please....please shadow."
Shadow with a big smirk pushed his member in a quick motion. Sonic let out sounds of pain and then settle into a moan,"Ahha~ th pain feels so good k-keep going~Bite me, hit me, chaos keep going please."
Shadow gave a low chuckle then began to thrust hard and fast. Lowering his head and biting hard all over the azures neck. Lavishing the moans. Shadow thrusts got harder as each moans got louder motivating him to pleasure him more. He began to also pull his quills in a rough way causing the younger hedgehog to moan louder.
"Ah~Ah~Ahhhaa♡♡I'm close♡♡Nng NYA~"
Sonic came on both there stomachs. Giving a final moan. Shadow tried to quit his moans by giving him a kiss. Shadows tounge shooting in and immediately started to such of the azures tounge. Making sonic let out more moans. Shadows thrusts continued till he felt himself not being able to hold it much longer. With one more final hard thrust to the ukes prostate he came deep in him.
".....thanks....for..the lesson it.. really helped me to get... a Boyfriend." Shadow said between his tired pants.
Sonic gave a moan in response as he fell asleep on the cold cum covered floor. Shadow gave a chuckle and pulled out of him. Leaving Sonics entrance to leak out cum. Shadow picked up sonic and layed him on his bed while putting a blanket over him. Shadow then cleaned up there 'lesson'. And then joined his now boyfriend on his bed.
x_TheBigGay_x I uh kinda took my own request I hope you dont mind I was inspired by my own request? Idk if you want I can take it down y'know. But yeah go check out x_TheBigGay_x 's oneshot book it's really good so ye
Have a good day 👌👌

Sonadow one shots(others maybe)
FanfictionI'm a really big sonadow fan and have a lot of smut one shots so if you like that then read it. this is also my first book so beware.