[16]Mephonic Revenge is sweet

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Mephilis P.O.V

That blue rat may have won the war but I will make him pay. I want him to scream for mercy. It's been a week I've been stalking him. I've seen a pattern. He always walks by this alley which is right next to a club. So its extremely loud. Loud enough for me to torture him and no one would hear him.

I waited for him to pass by it again. I was in the ally waiting for the right moment.

"Yeah I feel like I would never be ready for intercourse...... Y-Yeah I know I call it that instead of s-sex.... im just not ready....yeah talk to you later.... yeah yeah fuck ya to." Sonic said as he hung up the wrist communicator.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the ally. I grabbed his arms and tied them behind his back. "H-HEY OW"
He screamed but couldn't be heard due to the loud music.i turned him around so he saw me. His emerald eyes grew wide as he saw me. "Y-Your not supposed to be here.... W-What are you-Mmh!!" I gagged him and put him a blind fold. The blind fold was originally supposed to keep him from seeing me but after that conversation I heard I had a better revenge plan.

"I was going to torture you till I got bored but after that convenient conversation I think I have a better plan on making you beg for mercy," I said as I started to stroke his quills and use my tentacles to spread open his legs," I could break you in so many ways but this is going to be my favorite~" I whispered the last part in his ear as I thrusted into him.

"MMH!" Sonics muffles screams couldn't be heard due to the gag.
I started to focus on making him cry out in pain so I thrusted fast into him. Drawing alot of blood from his entrance. He felt nice to be honest. Tears streamed down his face at the endless penetration to his entrance.

I turned him over and bent him down to the ground to give me more access to his body. Oh chaos was he good. "MMHH SMOP AHHHMM!!" He tried to scream through the gag. I could understand him but that didnt stop me at all. If anything that made me go faster into him. I grabbed his sides and sunk my claws into his slim hips. I started to go more rough as I then began to leave nonloving and scaring bites on him. At first his neck then his sides and ear. Making every place bleed. I grabbed his quills and pulled them making him arch his back more. Sending pleasure threw him as I heard a moan from him.

That threw me off as instead of pained screams I heard pleasure filled moans. I turned him around and saw the most sexiest thing. Sonic panting with bright red cheeks. Not to mention the position I put him in. His hands tied behind him,gag, and blind fold was a bit of a major turn on.

I should have thought this through more.. major flaw in the plan but still could be useful.

I snapped out of it and began to thrust hard and fast again biting and clawing at him again. I felt close as I knew he did too. I grabbed onto the smallers member as it emerged not that long ago. And began to pump it. Making him groan and moan louder.

"Liking this you piece of shit? Like me pounding you in an ally way.... heh I should've know you would like your own fucking rape." I said as I saw more tears flow down his face and him shake his head 'no'. But his motions didnt match his loud moans and groans as I continued to pump him til he finally came on himself and a bit of my stomach.

Not long I came very deep inside his bruised and bloodied entrance. As I pulled out my cum came pouring out to. Falling to the dirty ally way floor with a swirl of his blood. I was panting to catch my breath as I let the azures hips fall to the floor as I let go of his sides. I grabbed his communicator to call the last number he was on a call with.

"Hello? What do you want faker?"

Hmm shadow. Makes more sense now the conversation.

" You should get his body out of the ally way before he gets raped again."

"What? Who's this? This isnt funny sonic. Answer me!"

"Pathetic piece of shit could only handle one round with me. Hes not a virgin at least but he is bleeding alot. Heh I'm a bit rough... hurry he is really hurt or if you dont care I'll keep him around as a nice fuck toy~"

"Mephiles.... you piece of shit ! You raped him?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?"

"Hes next to club dark light, but I wont be there bye bye "

I hung up and left the scene.

3rd person P.O.V

Mephiels left swiftly as he smirked to himself satisfied with his revenge. A memory of him leaving Sonics sore and bloody body filled his mind.


Ficlover17 requested this so here ya go. It's a bit sloppy and weird since this is new to me but I wanted to experiment with other characters. I'm open to requests still and I would love to hear your ideas!


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