Chapter 10

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I watched him try and speak, but he just couldn't muster the strength or confidence to speak. I smiled softly at that and ran my hand down his cheek gently as my hold on the smaller male loosened. He noticed this and I felt his muscles clench as he froze in fear of what I was going to do.
    "Don't be afraid though, I won't do a thing to you," I smiled as I dropped him. I hit the ground with a hmph.
    I smiled and leaned down to him, "go on now, don't keep your friends waiting." I stood back up and walked away from him and out the gate. He sat on the ground and watched me go. I waited outside of it for the buzz to signal the end of a match... but no buzz came. I was confused and turned back to the gate to be met with the gaze and body of Aesop. He just looked at me and then at the ground.
"What? You should go. Escape. Leave?" I leaned to him and tried to read his face, "I will pick you up and put you on the other side."
He looked up at me and his eyes gazed into mine as he stayed silent. What was his deal? Is he high? Did I break him? I waved my hand in front of him and and he grabbed my hand and looked at me with a unreadable expression. His gray eyes darted between mine, like he was looking for something.
"What do you want...," I asked confused. Sighing I decided to just pick him up. I bent down to grab his hips when Aesop put his hands on my shoulders and looked at my chest. Ignoring that I picked him up over my shoulder and walked over to the gates exit point. He turned around and saw it and tried to escape my arms. I rolled my eyes and placed my hand on his rear as I put him down on the edge and gave him a push, it put him out of my limit and I now lost the game. The buzzer sounded and the world shifted around us back to normal and I walked away from him to my exit.

I watched Joseph walk away and stood there biting my lip. My face felt hot and I couldn't help but grip my hands. Why the hell did I freeze up, I've never done that, why did he touch my ass. It felt no N O Aesop. Bad. Control your hormone.
I turned to the path way and ran down it back to the manor. Naib and Eli were gonna beg me for an answer to why I was gone for so long. I mentally prepared for that moment and prepared a lie.
     As the manor came insight I saw Eli, Emily, and Tracy outside the gate waiting for me. Most likely they had been told that I was still in the game and I was taking too long so they got worried. I sighed and ran over to them panting a bit. Emily's face looked serious as she approached me, "Aesop Carl! What the hell took you so long!"
     "My apologies...I was caught up."
     "Caught up my ass, let me guess, it was a match with Joseph," she crossed her arms, "ever since he started toying with you, your matches with him have last longer and longer. Most of us have noticed."
     Emma nodded, "we're worried Aesop. Who knows what he does to you, he's a hunter." I could tell saying that took some effort. Emma's father, Leo or better known as Hell Ember, is a hunter. So her opinion on hunters is a bit different, but if she's worried we all should be.
     "Eli said you told him something about Joseph but he doesn't want to say, neither did Naib...Aesop, what did you say," Emily asked softly as Eli sighed and looked at me. If I lied Eli would tell, if I said nothing Eli would be forced to say...I had to say something. I took a deep breath.
     "Joseph isn't bad...non of the hunters truly are. They are forced here just like us, only difference is what happened to them...they still have a heart," I looked away some, "Joseph especially, he is one of the less hostile hunters, he treats me differently...he saves me for last and is hesitant to hurt me. Emily..," I looked up at him, my face a bit red, "I think I like him...romantically."

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