Chapter 4 ~Anger~

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"...what do you want to know princess?"

i smiled widely. finally i can learn more about her and probably use it to escape.

"Hm... full name?" i ask

"Jennie ruby jane kim."

"beautiful name kim." i said and chuckled.

"age? your vampire age."

"234 years old."

my eyes widen while she laughed. "really? gosh"

"yeah my birthday is in january 16"

"want me to bring you a gift?" i raise an eyebrow while smiling.

she chuckled. "if your still here. i'm guessing i'm already dead by then."

"Why?" i asked curiously

"because i'm a vampire and i kidnapped you. you the most famous vampire hunter"

'right... i forgot that i have been kidnapped heh...'

"maybe i'll just settle here. it seems peaceful here." i lied. why the hell am i going to stay with a vampire.

"liar. you hate vampires because they took the one thing that can ruin you." she sat down looking at me intently.

"maybe i changed." i mentally slapped myself for lying.

she formed a sad smile. "i know you won't..." she stood up and got the plate and sped off the room without me speaking.

'why did she smiled so sadly? is it because i'm going to get out of here soon?'

i laid back on my back to relax my mind for a while. i'm getting sleepy so i slept for hours.


Jennie's POV

they finally announced the disappearance of
y/n in the news.

a girl named chaeyoung which i'm guessing is her sister showed on tv looking devastated.

i threw the remote to the wall. i stood up in frustration. i took deep breaths calming myself.


'why did i even do this?! i'm so stupid to think kidnapping y/n is a bright idea.'

i heard the doorbell ring and i sped to it knowing it's jisoo.

i invited her to help me convince y/n to like vampires.

this is going to be hard because vampires killed her parents'. it must be traumatizing.

i was curious the that case so i needed to have peace in my office while jisoo tries to comfort and convice y/n.

i have an office that is used for tracking cases in the past or now.

don't ask me where i got it. just know i got it.

"hey." the dark haired girl said and i smiled. i opened the door widely for her to come in.

"she's in the basement. just grab her dinner on the kitchen and my keys is in the living room." she nodded

"oh and don't frighten her. she might kick your ass." i laughed and she rolled her eyes.

"i won't get beaten up by a human." she sped off to the kitchen and i went to my office.

i sat on the chair wasting no time to look up the death of y/n's parents.

In the After life (Jennie x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now