Chapter 21 ~Memories~

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Jen looks good with short hair tbh... ^


my head was pounding so bad. i wanted to shout. talk. anything. i wanted to do anything but i can't move nor open my eyes.

i heard voices. so close but it seems like they are far away from me.

then a familiar voice made my hearing clearer

"you'll come back right?"

jennie said. i wanted to smile. i wanted her to know that i'm fine.

"Come back to me..."

hearing her makes me want to cry. my body was in so much pain but my heart hurts much more.

i don't want to listen to jennie cry. i can't it hurts.

"I love you so much y/n. you make me crazy."

she confessed and my mind was slowly aching again.

i tried to move or open my eyes. i couldn't really move. i was hopeless. i wanted to hug her comfort her telling her i'm okay and i love her too.


but i guess we don't always get what we want huh?

"i know you probably hate me for losing control on the car.."

i didn't want to listen but my mind was still open and my ears are up listening.

she didn't mean to lose control. sandara hit our car. it was an accident. it wasn't her fault!

"Sorry for making you like this. i'm such an idiot for being reckless!"

she said making my heart ache more. she wasn't an idiot. well if she is then she's my idiot.

"When you're awake i'll be here by your side. i'll never leave y/n. never."

'i'm counting on that jennie kim.'

her voice started to fade away and i was getting nervous. where the hell are you taking me brain?

i then sat up suddenly hearing my moms' voice shouting.

i checked myself first then realized i was on my old room at my own house when i was 13 years old.

"y/n~ah! wake up! we still need to go to our family date!" my mom showed up at my door shouting.

i looked at her confused and she just told me to get ready.

"what the hell is happening?" i said to myself and stood up changing my clothes.

i fixed myself and went downstairs and a young chaeyoung was sitting on the couch lazily.

"finally! mom and dad won't stop nagging at me if i have a boyfriend yet. thank god you're here. let's go?"

i nodded awkwardly and followed chaeyoung outisde to my family's car.

"gosh we'll be late for our flight! don't worry
y/n your dad already put your luggage in the back." mom said and i nod still confused.

then it hit me. this already happened 10 years ago. why am i reliving it now? what's happening in the real world?

"Love you guys!" i said suddenly and they all turned to me with a bright smile.

"love you too y/n!" mom said so did dad. chaeyoung beside me faked gag and i pushed her lightly.

then my mind was hurting again causing me to grunt in pain.

i saw my parents fade away as i go to another memory of mine.

this time i was hurt and my whole body was aching.

i forced my eyes open to see a familiar room that made me who i am today.

"Your awake. Good." jennie said with a smile on her face.

i recognise that sentence... she said that to me when i first saw her. i just woken up and she was sitting in front of me.

wait jennie? what the hell am i doing why am i going back to my memories?

"J-jennie?" i ask and she chuckled softly walking towards me.

she sat beside me me and has a huge smile on her face.

i felt myself melt on her gaze.

she stopped and took off my handcuff on my wrist.

"how are you y/n?" she asked me with her eyes full of concern.

"is it really you?" i asked looking deeply in her eyes.

"yes it's me. in reality i'm beside you holding your hand while i focus on talking to you. it's one of my powers." she said and leaned in but i stopped her.

"what happened?" i ask and she sigh.

"we got in a car accident." she said

"i know that part but why am i still not awake?" i looked deeply in her eyes as she was nervous.

"your injuries were so bad you fell into coma. i couldn't heal you since i can only heal minor injuries. sorry princess." she said looking sorry at me.

i held her face to make her look at me. "hey. it's not your fault. i also overheard you talking. don't ever blame yourself. got it?"

she laughed and kissed me. "yes ma'am" she saluted and i laughed at her.

"how's my condition?" i asked her smiling assuringly at her.

jennie ignored that and put her serious face on.

"nayeon said you're getting better. but you are still not awake."

i sigh and leaned on the headboard a pillow on my back.

jennie went beside mee and she snucked her arm on my waist pulling me closer and her head close to my face. Sneaky

"how about the others? are they okay?" i asked remembering.

i gasped before she can speak. "is lisa...?"

she looked at me for a few seconds. "no. you took the most damage y/n."

i sighed and rest my head on top of hers. i held her hand and interwined it with mine making me smile.

"when will i wake up?"

"we don't know princess..."

"i miss you... not this you because i feel like it isn't real. it's just an illusion your making me see." i said and she chuckled softly.

"my princess is so smart." she said and looked up to face me.

she kissed me and i returned it not giving any attention to anything anymore.

ofcourse i had to stop because my head was pounding.

i pulled away and groaned holding my head with my right hand.

jennie went beside me for my comfort and i melted.

"are you okay?" she asked worried. i can sense the nervousness in her voice.

"i-i... my head hurts!" i shouted and stood up to ease the pain but it kept hurting.

a pair of arms hugged me from behind comforting me. the pain lessen but still there.

i held jennie's hand and silently sob. she turned me around making me face her.

she looked at me sadly and held my right cheek. i touch her right hand on my cheek and she smiled softly.

"guess i'm your pain killer?" she said ruining the moment.

i rolled my eyes and i tried to back away but she held both sides of my waist not wanting to let go.

"i already ruined the moment don't ruin it further." she let our foreheads touch.

"i love you..." i blurted and she smiled warmly.

"i love you too love..."


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