Chapter 15 ~angry~

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         ~The action or state of  forcing or being forced to do something.

A/n- that^ will be useful in the future :)

i felt a hand touching my head nudging me to wake up.

i opened my eyes gently and saw chaeyoung awake.

"you okay?" i said and sat on my chair and stretched my muscles.

"was it really necessary for you to sleep with me? or rather keep an eye on me?" she sat up and i laughed.

"i wasn't letting you go that easily." i said and gave her water.

"i just passed out from almost choking wow that sounds bad when you say it out loud." she drinked the water and i giggled.

"what time is it?" she asked and i looked at my phone.

"it's time for you to take a shower." i said and
pulled the blanket off of her.

"and it's 10 in the morning." i winked at her.

after 30 whole minutes rosé finally convinced me that she'll shower alone.

i laughed so hard when she was annoyed. i went downstairs to the kitchen to find jennie cooking lunch.

"hey." she said blankly.

"jungkook's at the basement. don't worry i spread garlic all over the door." she said before i can speak.

"how's chaeyoung?" she asked and looked at me placing the food at the table.

"she's fine. showering." i said and sat down on the chair.

"listen i need to talk to you later. okay?" she sat beside me and i nod.

her eyes were filled guilt. i can see it clearly. it's pretty much hard to miss. i don't want to question her because i might be prying on a topic that she needs time to think about.

"hey." i said to chaeyoung who went downstairs.

her eyes were glued to jennie while jennie was getting more nervous in the second.

"excuse us for a moment." i said and stood up. i took jennie's hand in mine and started to walk to the swimming pool area.

i crossed my arms and looked at her intently. "well? if you want to say something say it now."

she sighed and let her arms drop. "fine. but not here. follow me." she started to walk inside again to go upstairs to her office while i followed behind.

she closed the door aw soon as we were inside. she didn't spoke nor look at me instead she just opened her computer and started to type something.

"jennie what's going on?" i asked clearly sensing the annoyed tone in my voice. she stopped for a second and continued typing.

there was nothing i can do except sit beside her waiting for whatever she's typing to talk to me.

"watch." she backed away and i looked at her confusingly. she gestured me to look at the computer screen and i rolled my eyes and did so.

my eyes were glued to the screen as i watch two couples in a dark alley. my mind was getting more and more curious as my heart started to beat fast.

as the mother looked back her face was shown in the camera i felt my heart clench. i focused on what they were saying.

"that's me. with your parents." i heard a voice but it sounded distant.

i ignored her but can't stop my foot from moving.

i saw my dad throw a bag in front of jennie and she laughed. jennie threw a vial of something to him and said to leave before anyone finds them.

i took a deep breath that jennie was not responsible for my parents death.

as soon as they were outside a man came in fromt of them holding a wooden stake. i felt a tear escape my eye.

my father shielded my mom from behind and the guy stuck the stake in his heart.

my mother screamed and went beside my dad who was on the floor. i bit my lip in order to stop more tears from falling.

the guy said something and stuck the stake in my mothers' heart.

as my eyes were full of water i blinked and then i fell out one by one. as my eyes were roaming atound their surrounding. i saw jennie standing there watching with a blank expression.

i felt my blood boil and soon jennie stepped in fastly and snapped the guys neck without hesitation.

jennie stared at my parents with guilt. soon i heard sirens and jennie went closer to them and sucked their blood and sped off the scene.

the video was on pause and i was still staring at it without anything to say. i saw jennie behind me fidgeting her fingers as she wait for a response from me.

"y/n? talk to me please." she reached out to hold my hand but i stood up pushing the chair making it fall.

"how could you?" i whispered while crying.

Jennie was now about to say something but later closed her mouth shut not wanting to say anything.

"how could you just let them fucking die?!" i shouted seeing jennie flinch.

Third persons' POV

y/n was feeling different kinds of emotion but mainly all she can feel was anger. she wanted to feel anger instead of sadness. she didn't want to cry and look weak in front of the vampire girl in front of her.

"i'm sorry y/n..." jennie mumbled standing up trying to hold her hand but the latter moved away from her.

"sorry?! you think sorry is going to cut it? my parents died in front of you. how could you not stop that man?!" the hybrid was shouting more loudly but not caring who was hearing it.

"because that man was my friend..." jennie mumbled and y/n was taken aback.

"he was the closest thing i had in a human life but i snapped his neck because he killed his own kind." jennie was almost to the brink of crying.

"why? why didn't you help them?" y/n fell to the ground letting her tears fall jennie tried to hold her again but the other pushed her away.

"i- i need to go." y/n stuttered as she was standing up to leave.

jennie didn't protest and let the girl go to get some air.

jennie was left there confused and guilty for the younger. jennie sat down on the chair.

scared. that's was jennie is feeling. scared that y/n might realize that she was worthless and her feelings might change.

scared that y/n will leave her. jennie really liked y/n to the point she'll kill for her. or rather die.

she's even thinking if she even loves her...


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