Chapter 7 ~Training~

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"that one hurts." i pouted at chaeyoung who was laughing.

"don't worry you'll get use to it. now again." she tried to punch my stomach again but i quickly dodged.

"good." she said while panting. we have been training for hours now.

i haven't even started my vampire side of the training.

"okay okay...." she was panting after our spar. "Jennie!" she shouted making the latter come here.

"you guys done?" Jen asked.

"yeah take care of y/n she doesn't look like she's tired." with that rosé sped off to the kitchen.

"wow you worn out your sister. but that doesn't mean you'll do the same to me." she was chuckling while getting ready.

"jisoo said i can shapeshift. when will you teach me that?" i asked while i started my warm ups.

"we don't really shapeshift so we have no idea how to do that. but i guess jisoo mentioned it earlier that she has a hybrid friend too." she shrug and stood up straight while tying up her hair.

"let's start?" i asked.

"let's do this."

jen threw the first punch but i quickly dodge. before she can react i grabbed her arm and kneed her on the stomach.

"ouch." she whined.

"i have more of that if you want." i said while smirking.

she rolled her eyes while smiling. i kicked her leg making her fall.

i sat on her stomach raising my fist up ready to punch her face.

she just stares at me with a smile.

"what?" i said chuckling and put down my fist.

"nothing. you look cute while your focused princess." she said making me blush.

before i knew it she rolled on top of me and kissed my cheeks making me speechless.

"don't let your guard up. if you fail i'll keep kissing you." she stood up leaving me on the ground.

"stand up. you still need to learn your vampire speed." she held out her hand gor me to take and i took it.


after training i now know how to run faster than normal thanks to jennie. and i can control my speed.

"you gave me like 10 kiss." i said while we were walking to the house.

"because you keep getting out of focus." she said and laughed.

i rolled my eyes playfully while walking inside the house.

"where's jisoo and rosé?" i ask looking around the room.

"i don't know." she said.

"Jisoo?" jennie shouted but no answer.

after a few seconds chaeyoung came running down the stairs. her cheeks were red and panting. maybe she ran to here.

"hey where's jisoo?" i ask while examining her.

"i don't know. i thought she's with you. i was up at y/n's room resting." she came down the stairs.

then before jennie can speak jisoo sped to where we are.

"hey where have you been?" jennie asked

"in a spare bedroom sleeping. i was tired even though i didn't do anything." she chuckled.

In the After life (Jennie x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now