Wild Oceans

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Jason had that dream once again.

The skies were dark grey and lightning struck between the clouds. The rumble of thunder filled his ears over the howling wind, violent and harsh.

He was standing on a dock facing the raging, deep blue sea. The waves seemed to rise higher and higher, as if competing among themselves, trying to reach him. He wasn't standing at the edge. However, that raven-haired boy was.

He was always standing there, facing the merciless storm, as if he was in his own element. As if he was the reason that the storm was brewing.

The boy's dark hair swaying wildly in the wind, the same wind that seemed to be screaming in his ears. His back was exposed to Jason due to his lack of a shirt. He was tanned and well built like a swimmer. From Jason's view, the boy was beautiful (even if he had never seen the mystery boy's face). The only clothing that he seemed to be wearing, were his loose black cargo pants that reached just past his knees.

He opened his arms as if embracing the wind and Jason tried to reach him before the same conclusion took place. The wind pushed the blond back and before he could reach out and touch him, the boy jumped into the tempestuous sea.

The wind reduced to a gentle breeze, the clouds lost their intensity, waves started to calm down and Jason was left standing on the docks alone again.

He shot up from his bed, sweat beading down his forehead. The early morning light greeted him. His heavy intakes of breath echoed in the silence of his apartment. He rubbed his face with his hands and snatched his t-shirt, that he had discarded last night, from the floor. The white shirt was loose and covered his frame, his boxers were the only other thing that he was wearing.

Jason grabbed black and orange framed his glasses from his bedside table and stumbled sleepily into the bathroom that was attached to his bedroom. He splashed his face with water a couple of times to wake himself up. He raised his gaze from the sink to look at his face in the huge bathroom mirror, water droplets cascading down his face and the front of his hair wet with the water he had washed his face with.

He picked up his glasses from the sink and walked out of the bathroom. He went to his kitchen and took out the ingredients of making his special breakfast sandwich: cheese, eggs, two strips of beacon, tomato sauce, mayonnaise, and two vegetarian patties.

As he set about making his breakfast, Jupiter Art Gallery owner's voice rang in his head: "You are short of a section to get your own art show. You either get the section ready by the end of three months or risk not getting the show." 

A whole month had gone by since the alternative had been given to him and Jason had gotten no inspiration, no determination to even paint.

He had been going walking around New York, trying to get inspiration. Keeping on a look-out for anyone who seemed interesting enough to paint. But so far, he had no success. Everybody had somewhere to be in New York. Nobody had time to spare a glance at Jason so that he could spark some kind of imagination, some kind of an idea that would help him feed himself. Otherwise, he would have to stumble back to his father in California to take over his business which was something he would rather not do. That job was the reason why he wanted to follow his passion.

Five years back when he had just gotten out of high-school, Jason had been offered an internship in his father's company. For a while Jason worked there, just for the sake of his parents. However, he soon discovered that the office work took more of his time. He had no spare time for himself or his friends. He had no time to pursue his passion alongside his job. So Jason chose his passion and left the guaranteed office job behind. His older half-sister, Athena was a better choice for leading the company than him anyway.

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