Part 1

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A small 4 and half years old girl is entering her new school in a pink colored frock with her mom and dad. Its none but our Riya.. Suddenly a ball rolls and comes infront of the girl. A boy of 8 years old comes there to pick the ball.. Its none but our Abhi..

Pragya took the ball and when she saw Abhi, she smiled at him... He too smiled.. She gives it to him with a pleasant smile.. He finds her cute.. He smiles at her again, thanking her...

Days rolled...

Abhi is a naughty boy who always used to stand outside the class for not doing homeworks, for some fights, mainly because of his temper. So, Pragya used to see him from her class often. He used to smile at her whenever he sees her in canteen, in morning assembly prayers, in school programmes.. Etc..

One day in a break period in red colored frock, Pragya came near to Abhi's classroom with chocolate box. She didn't see him inside the class. She searched for him in the corridor. That time Abhi's classmate, a chubby boy King came to Pragya seeing the chocolate box..

King: for whom you're searching.. (Munching chips)

Pragya: (blinks her eyes cutely in fear as she didn't even know Abhi's name) I searched for my friend. He's not here.. I'm going..

King: Oii.. Wait.. Is it your birthday today..

Pragya: yes (with a smile)

King: happy birthday..

Pragya: thank you.. (With a smile) bye...

King: Oii..(little loud)

Pragya got jerk..

King: I wished you right.. Won't you give mea chocolate..

She opened the chocolate box in fear. King took a bunch of chocolates and his friends too.. Pragya's box got empty.. Pragya got tears.. She ran away to her classroom holding her tears..

As always, Abhi is standing outside the class room, he saw Pragya in color dress, he understood its her birthday.. So, he thought to wish her. In lunch break, he goes to Pragya's classroom. Pragya is surprised, she smiled at him. He came near to her desk and gave her a big chocolate wishing her..

Pragya: Thank you.. I'm pragya.. (With a smile)

Abhi: I'm Abhi.. (Smiles at her)

Suddenly her face got saddened,

Pragya: Sorry Abhi.. I have no chocolate to give you.. (With sad pout) Morning, i came to your class with chocolates but you're not in class..

Abhi: Oh.. I was in.. Errr.. Boys room..

Pragya: Is there any room like that?

Abhi: Err... I have to go.. Ok then ,I will meet you afterwards.. Bye..

Pragya: bye.. (With a smile)

Abhigya My Love.. My Life.. Only You.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now