Is it Love?

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Hi friends! Thank you so much for your valuable votes and comments.. Please do continue support..Thanks for reading silent readers.. And I'll try to finish this story within this months.. I'm regular with my updates as you all know..  Try to vote if you like it..


Here the story starts from

Abhi & Pragya is standing in the corridor. He is shown twisting her ears and she's screaming in pain...

Pragya: leave ma.. Na .. Abhi.. Its paining...

Abhi: Nowadays you became so worse and you are lying... To my Professor itself.. How dare...

Pragya: Listen to me... Abhi..

Abhi left her. They started walking in the corridor..

Abhi: what's the matter.. Didn't you attend your class..

Pragya: My professor didn't came.. I waited.. So I came to see you (smiles)

Abhi: you're crazy (smiles) you just came to see me..

Pragya: Ab..bhi.. I told yesterday right about that Kunal.. He's in canteen with his friends.. Its class time, so nobody will watch us.. And..

Abhi: (sighs) come let's go... I thought you came for me, one second.. (In a disappointed voice)

Pragya: (smiles) Abhi.. I came to see you too (holds his hand)

 I came to see you too (holds his hand)

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Abhi: you won't change, right (smiles)

Pragya: Na.. I'll be like this always.. (Smiles)

They went to canteen. Abhi couldn't control his anger seeing Kunal who is looking at Pragya. Pragya tightly holds Abhi's hands & hides little behind him

Pragya: Abhi, shall we go back..

Abhi: Come front... Chasmish...

They moved towards Kunal..

Pragya: I'm scared little..

Abhi: sh..

Abhi: Kunal, I wanna talk to you privately..

His friends move to other side..

Pragya: I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.. But you're also did mistake right... You can't compel me, its wrong..

Abhi: sh.. Chasmish..

Hey we didn't came to ask Sorry & all..
(Pragya tries to stop him)

Abhigya My Love.. My Life.. Only You.. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now