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Here the story starts from..

Goons comes out of the jeep hurriedly covering their face.. Rishi throws the bluetooth & closes his eyes in fear..

Abhi: Oh shit.. What's happening..

Madhu: they kidnapped watchman..

Ranveer: Rishi.. Is still closing his eyes.. Oii Rishii..

Pragya: dumbo.. Come here.. Oh God.. He thrown his bluetooth on the ground.. I think..

Ishani: I'll pick it up & give him..

Purab: what's happening.. Yaar..

Abhi: No time.. Let's follow them.. Get in all.. Pragya.. follow me..

Rishi is shown opening his one eye slightly but before he realise what happened.. Ranveer drags Rishi along with him..

Abhi starts his car in high speed.. Pragya too follows him..

Rishi: Any swamy will you tell me what happened?

Ishani: they kidnapped watchman.. Bhai..

Madhu: but why..

Pragya: oh God.. Everything is spoiled..

Abhi: shut up.. Guys.. Let me think..

Ranveer: what's that watchman's name..? I think he's

Pragya: he's Rana Pratap Singh..

Bulbul: yes.. That goons should've asked him who's Rana Pratap Singh.. He himself would've told it.. And he..

Ishani: got kidnapped.. Oh God..

Pragya: It's all because of me.. I didn't know watchman's name.. it is..

Rishi: Don't I have role in this.. Swamy..

Abhi: keep quiet.. Rishi..

Purab: hey.. You guys.. Called me for some action sequence.. be prepared.. Like & all.. Pragya told..

Here some funny sequence is going on.. (laughs)

Pragya: Its not funny.. You didn't meet the real villain still..

I saw him that blue eyes with bloody anger.. Oh God.. He's such a..

Rishi: One minute.. First tell me.. Whether I'll get kidnapped or not..

Purab: I've a doubt.. Are we going to rescue watchman or Madhu?

Ishani: uffo.. Dumbo.. Both.. Because of us that watchman got caught..

Pragya: No.. Its because of me (cries)

Abhi: Will you stop crying.. Oh God.. I'm getting mad.

Pragya: Even.. you got angry with me.. Now..

Abhi: Pragyaaa.. Ok.. Cool.. (Inhales) my cutie pie.. My sweetie pie.. Darling.. Chasmish.. Meri ma.. Please don't cry..

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