03 Because I Love you

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Riley has been acting weird Lately like really weird i don't know what's wrong but i intend tomake her feel better and surprised her i put the chocolates in my bag and slid the mint green box off the table into my man bag Riley always did things to make me cheer up now was my time to do the same for her i walked down the creaky steps of my apartment waving goodbye to my parents aas i left and stepped out onto the cold New York city streets The iciness Of the wind spiked my face making my cheeks go pink I sliently cursed myself for not bringing a jacket this is why i need to hangout with Riley More she reminds me all of these things After walking for about two minutes I gave up on walking and hollered over a cab Riley only lived about 4 blocks so it shouldn't cost too much plus It's GreenWich so the fares should be cheaper As the car drove through the street lined with trees my mind wondered to Riley What could she possibly be hiding from me and why she had been so distant lately and always asking how she looks I mean she looking amazing and I tell her that but I can't help but feel something upsetting her sometimes she'll just randomly ask if i'll stay with her I don't know where else I'm supposed to go I assumed that being eighteen scared her because she was an adult With adulthood comes commitment matbe she even wanted to see if I was in it for the long haul but she's been suspicious for too long and I've given her nothing but good answers The drivers voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I paid him and gave him a light nod before walking Inside I decided against the front door realising the bay window was smarter and if i could sneak a peek at Riley to see what she does While I'm not curious or anything

I walked up the steps normally If I've learn anything from having creaky steps If you try to tiptoe It only makes them creak more They're mean like that I reached the window and I peered though there I see my gorgeous Riley sitting on her bed staring at her wall crying I inched closer to the window my eyes never once leaving her trembling body I watched as the tears rolled down her beautiful pale skin I wanted nothing more than to climb through the window that Instant and kiss them away but I had to get more clues I got myself on the fire escape I started to question if this was a good idea If she found out she would flip Is this considered spying My thoughts were stopped when I saw a dark figure walj Into the room He sat down next to Riley consoling her it took everything in my power not to go punch this person but I had to gey more clues He moved his hand towards her stomach ahd started moving it in circular motions How odd I decided I'd seen enough and something weird was going on I impulsively barged through the window and came face to face with Riley and zay


I yelled fuming I could practically feel my face heating up and my vision was becoming very red Deep down I knew nothing was going on between them she was hiding something from me for an unknown reason and she confided In Zay for support I should be thanking him for taking care of her when I couldn't but I'm not thinking straight right now I watched Riley stand up straight and place her hand on her chest

Riley- Lucas I have something to tell you

I stood there frozen as the words splurged out of my mouth I had no moves nothing that could save me from this Inevitable conversation I had to tell him God knows how much he saw outside the window I could see the clenched fists and his red face I had to work fast sisace Zay butt and I have to work carefully Zay slowly backed put of the room knowing this was a conversation that was between Riley and Lucas I moved to sit down at the window and Lucky he followed calmly I placed my hand in his amd to my surprise he squeezed my hand I took three deep breaths and was ready to utter the two words I had practiced this so many times but my throat seemed closed up it was like something was lodged in my throat preventing the words from coming out small tears starting cascading down my skin once again throughout these weeks I had slowly got weaker and weaker and It was weird if I wasn't crying in a conversation I felt a force move around my back in circular motions and I looked up from my hands to see Lucas sympathetic face I instantly felt horrible for not telling him this I mean Just because I'm carrying this doesn't mean everything is up to me I had a doctors appointment tonight and it would be unfair on Lucas to not take him with me

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