04 Rage

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So it's Monday it's school it's oversized jumpers it's hating Life Life is tough right now and sad story here I don't have a helmet My parents have obviously returned long ago and much to my surprise have not asked about my weird behaviour Zay Maya Lucas have been very surportive throughout the month of April I have yet to tell Smackle and Farkle but they are kind of my test monkeys Lucas will always be able to notice my bump or weird behavior because he expects it Where as Smackle and Farkle don't know about it so they'll only notice it it's obvious Does that make sense well it does OK I plan on telling them along with my parents just before the next doctors appointment which i think it's in a week

I adjusted my sloppy joe jumper and looked down at my outfit least favorite part of being pregnant is I can't wear like any of my old clothes It's really sad because most of the clothes i wear aren't flattering to say the least I scooped my bag up and strategically climbed out the window downside of hiding something from your parents number 13674 it's very hard to see them and not break therefore so you go out a window that's very hard to get out of I walked down the steps very elegantly that's how i roll elegant and pregnant I see Lucas car parked out the front and i walk to the passenger side making sure to put my grump face on so they not to cross me I Look to the back seats and see Zay eating his donut and Maya sipping puke on ice iced tea I'm a coffee person so anything tea is my enemy Maya knows this and she likes to shove it in my face something about my anger makes her happy I don't know why

Riley- Maya so help me god if you put that puke on ice near me I'l personally stab you with Zay donut

I demand pushing my glasses to cover my eyes Lucas soft hand grips my hand and I feel a wet substance touch them jeez that's kinda weird it was his lips

Maya- Come on Riley try it it won't kill you

Maya bugged shoving that item near my face I heard Zay's laughter and my jaw clenched Little hoe thinks this is funny why would you mess with a hormonal pregnant teenager

Riley- You know Maya that's what Rizzo said about the citarette she gave sandy

I clarified all matter afactly i heard lukidd sorry meant Lucas snicker and move his head towards me for a second Don't want to cash now do we

Maya and Zay- Riley drink it Riley drink it Riley drink it

Maya and Zay chorused asking for a punishment I reckon they want to die OK my head is more clingy than the start of grease Why is my head so obsessed with Grease tonight

I slowly grabbed the plastic cup from Maya's grasp and before i could think about it I squeezed the bottom liquid slowly exuding right in the direction of Maya and Zay I cannot describe the pure humour in the simultaneous chamge in their facial expression The once humoured faces now bestow a look of pure fear and astonishment I practically peed from laughter Lucas pulled into school laughing his head off and giving me a high five He only muttered about his car being cleaned three times Zay and Maya hurriedly swiped the liquid off them luckily it did not reach their hair if you ask

Maya- Riley i was dressed for my date with Josh tonight god damn

Maya complained pulling her phone out of her pocket

Zay- Yeah sugar i gotta impress the ladies in school

Zay tacked on sassily moving his head around I felt vibrations from my back pocket and after realising it was my phone i answered it like a normal person

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