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-jacks pov-
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| thursday october 7 3:32 PM |

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| thursday october 7 3:32 PM |

"So you know how i've been wanting a tattoo" i speak up as kelsey and i walk to my car. "yes" she says nodding. "let's go get me one" i smile and she raises her eyebrows at me, stopping herself from taking another step. "right now?" she asks and i laugh. "yes right now" i say and she sighs. "what about your mom? will she care?" she asks making me laugh. "i'm old enough it will be okay" i lie and she sighs again. My mom doesn't really like
tattoos that much so of course i have to get it with out her knowing about it. kelsey would never let me get one if she knew my mom hated them. "well i guess we're going to get you a tattoo" she says looking up at me. "hell yeah!" i say excitedly. "race you to the car" i say quickly and take off.

"hey no fair" she says from behind me. "you never gave me a heads up you should have counted." she shouts while i wait by the car laughing at how out of breath she was.

"you so would have lost if we started at the same time" she says after her breathing was back to normal. "is that so?" i press as o look away from the road to take a quick glance at her. "yes. yes that is so" she says making me laugh. "I don't know about that one babe" i say and her face heats up some from how i called her babe, it just has a nice ring to it. she doesn't ever say anything about her not wanting me to call her that so i might as well use it while i can.

it makes me wonder if froy has even tried to get into contact with her. i would say that our plan would have been useless if he hasn't yet but it really has been a great way to spend my time. With her. it's been fun, i've learned a lot and it was something very and i mean very unexpected.

soon we were pulling into the tattoo shop and she lets out a deep breath. "are you sure you want one?" she asks and i nod as i unbuckle. "i'm positive" i tell her and we both get out of the car.

"what should i get?" i ask her and she laughs. "you've been talking about getting a tattoo for like three weeks and don't know what you want?" she asks me and i nod. "i was hoping you'd help me pick one out" i tell her and she bites the inside of her cheek making me smile at how she was trying to hold her smile back.

we look through a book of numerous examples and ideas of different tattoos they've done and she smiles and points at one. "that one" she says as her finger hits a butterfly and i let out a small chuckle, raising my eyebrows at her choice. "a butterfly?" i ask and she nods. "it's represents hope" she tells me and i smile. "it's look good right there, especially on you" she says touching my arm making me tense up some. Honestly that's all the had to do to sell her idea.

"fine, it better turn out good" i tell her and she laughs. "it will i promise" she smiles.

we show the lady what kelsey has chose for me and she smiles. "cute" she says in a flirty tone to me making me nod not knowing how to reply to that or what she meant by it. it made me feel awkward since she had said it in front of kelsey and she didn't take her eyes off of me the whole time.

"i think i might be more nervous than you are and i'm not even getting one" kelsey laughs and i smile at her. "i mean you could get one" i tell her and she shakes her head. "how about i just support you while you get yours" she says raising her eyebrows. yeah she was definitely more nervous than i was.

the lady explains everything she was going to do and how she was going to do it and that's when the nerves kicked in that it was actually happening. "smile" kelsey tells me as she holds up her phone. i smile at her and she shows me the picture. "i'm going to post it" she laughs and does as she told

the pain wasn't as bad as i had heard it was. It hurt but one i wasn't going to act like a baby in front of kelsey and two it wasnt an unreasonable pain, it was something you'd most likely expect.

"all done" she says pulling away from my arm and smiling in accomplishment at what she had done. "i'll be right back, i have to go get the bandages to cover it up" she says standing up and heading out of her work room. "it looks so good jack" kelsey tells me and i nod. she was right it did look great. "let's hope my mom thinks the same thing" i laugh as kelseys eyes widen. "you said she wouldn't care!" she says. "i know but i knew you wouldn't let me if i said she would. I'll just say you picked it out and she'll love it, she loves you" i explain and she shakes her head no. "she will absolutely hate me now. Damnit Jack" she says and i laugh again. "it will be okay, also i'm joking i wouldn't bring you into taht" i tell her and she sighs taking a seat. "but you were right it looks good" i say smiling down at it. "you're such a dick" she laughs as she shakes her head.

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-kelseys pov-

"awe sweetie what happened to your arm?" Katherine asks when she notices the bandage on it. "kelsey bit me" he says shrugging making me laugh. "you act like that's normal, but seriously what happened?" she asks after his joke. "i got a tattoo" he smiles and she shakes her head. "you're joking." she gasps a little. "no seriously, it's not a bad one i promise" jack says raising his eyebrows. "well let's see this so called good tattoo" jack dad says standing up
from the couch and walking over in our direction.

so far i've learned david isn't much of a talker. at first i felt like he didn't like me because he never engaged in conversation but then jack explained how he isn't into it that much.

jack pulls off the bandage a little to show them and katherine lets out a sigh of relief as she holds her hands over her chest. "thank God. I was thinking i was about to have a heart attack" she says smiling some as she looks back at it. "Well you made a great choice" she adds and jack shrugs. "actually kelsey did" he says making my eyes grow wide as the diverted their attention to me.

"it's symbolizes hope" i say unsure of what to do and Katherine smiles. "it's beautiful, i'd rather you be there than johnson or sammy. Lord knows what he would have gotten if they were there" she laughs some as she shakes her head probably thinking about the multiple tattoo ideas he could have gotten if i wasn't there.

"Sammy, he worries me." david laughs along with katherine. "He's a little on the slow side" jack adds in on the joke and i laugh some. "well we're going to go upstairs" jack says standing up and taking my hand. "you know the rules" katherine shouts as we walk up the stairs earning a sigh from jack making me laugh at his reaction. "yes mom" he says as he closes his door.

hope you are enjoying the book!

i didn't really know what to write about in this chapter so sorry😂

Love u guys

u r all amazing

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