Chapter Three

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     The sun harshly glares as you, Aladdin and Morgiana walk down a dirt path leading to Balbadd. The walk is silent besides Aladdin humming a melody of sorts. You let out a bored sigh and glare at the sun in silent hate. Why must you be so hot? You're boiling my insides! You let out a groan and poke Aladdin.

     Aladdin looks up at you in curiosity, "What is it, miss Y/N?"

     "By Sun or by Moon, I shall be found. Yet I am undone if there's no light around. What am I?"

     Aladdin blinks and places a finger on his chin in thought. Morgiana softly smiles and says, "A shadow."

     Aladdin pouts but grins, "Awesome Morg!"

     You grin, "That was quick."

     She blushes and faces foreword.

     Just as another riddle pops up in your head a nude Sinbad appears! His tan, muscular arms are outstretched, an uncaring, charming smile present on his face, and a green leaf covers his Sinbad Jr. As entertaining as this scene is, that's not what catches your eyes. It's the sight of his butt that makes you lose it.

     "Does he got the booty? He's got the booty!" You chortle, bending over with your hands on your knees in full-blown laughter.

     Sinbad looks at you with a charming smile, “Oh, hello. Real nice weather today, huh?”

     Aladdin and Morgiana are disturbed and ready to fight until they hear your laughter. They look over at you in surprise. The bright and dark Rukh dance around you happily. Aladdin smiles, happy that you're laughing. He is in awe as you laugh at the silly King of Sindria.

     "You should laugh more often miss! You have a pretty laugh!"

     Morgiana nods her head, silently agreeing.

     Blood rushes to your face, painting your cheeks a dark shade of pink. "Thank you." You look back at Sinbad. "Let's get this stranger some clothes, shall we?"

     "I would appreciate that. My clothes and all my valuables have been stolen."

     Aladdin gives Sinbad his small pair of spare clothes. Sinbad thanks him and changes behind the safety of the trees.


     You sit around a fire trying your hardest not to die of laughter. You are sitting next to Sinbad, who carelessly has his legs spread. Morgiana is awkwardly sitting next to Aladdin trying not to stare at the very under clothed Sinbad.

     Sinbad gives a closed eye smile, “Thanks for lending me these clothes, Aladdin,” you snicker, “My name is Sin. I got totally cleaned out by some bandits on my way to Balbadd.”

     “Maybe you shouldn’t get drunk while walking in the woods.” You say adding more sticks to the small fire.

     Sinbad lets out a booming laugh, “Good advice. I have a habit of getting drunk…” Sinbad sweat drops at his own words.

     Aladdin interrupts, “I see...My bad, mister. As someone who’s crossed the desert, I guess I’m paranoid about the danger.”

     Sinbad places a hand to his chin with a smile, “ you’ve crossed the desert?”

     “I’ve made it from the North Tian Shan Plateau to the Central Desert,” Aladdin excitedly leans back, “I saw so many unusual plants and animals along the way!”

     “I’m sure you have, that's good. That sense of euphoria from coming upon unknown lands and knowledge…”He looks at the fire with a slight smile. “The confidence that comes from opening up paths, the experience, the bond between friends you’d risk your life for…”

     The friends you’d risk your life for. You gaze into the fire with a small, sad smile and wrap your arms around your knees. Sinbad's gaze flickers over to you in curiosity.

     “Adventures are great. It’s truly every man’s dream.” Sinbad looks up at the sky.

     Aladdin suddenly jumps up with a blush of excitement. “I get it! I get how you feel, mister.”

     Sinbad nods and looks over at you and Morgiana, “Not only that but… One of the perks of going on a journey is meeting sweet, young girls like you.

     You stare at Sinbad in annoyance and slight disgust. Morgiana looks at him in uncertainty before getting up once she catches the smell of the ocean. “The scent of the ocean…” She murmurs.

     “You should be able to see it beyond that hill.”

     Que Aladdin and Morgiana run up the hill. You laugh, “Looks like you just got ignored,” you get up with a yawn, “Guess that’s our cue to put out the fire and make way for Balbadd, right Sin.” You stress his name while grinning.

     Sinbad grins, “I suppose so. I didn’t catch your name, what was it?”

     You stomp out the fire, “My names Y/N.”

     "What a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman~."

     You roll your eyes but can't stop the blush forming on your cheeks. "Haha, you're a funny one."

     The King of Sindria smirks.


     You look in awe at the view of Balbadd. Standing on top of the cliff above the country you can see the beauty but you know better. You know of the darkness lurking in every corner.

     "How are we going to get down?" Aladdin asks.

     "The easiest way down is to go back to the road and follow it to Balbadd," Sinbad replies arms crossed over his chest as his hair dramatically flows in the wind.

     You find yourself not in the mood. An idea, a really bad idea, pops up in your head. You shuffle over to Morgiana and whisper your idea in her ear. She nods in agreement. You shuffle back over to Aladdin. Without a word you pick him up and somehow manage to get him on your shoulders. He doesn't protest.

     Aladdin looks down at you with curiosity. "What are you doing miss?"

     "We're going to fly!" Excitement lights your voice.


     You securely grip Aladdin's thighs and run. As you get closer to the edge of the cliff you jump. Sinbad watches in horror then lets out a yelp when he is picked up like a princess. His gold eyes meet Morgiana's pink hues.

     "Y/N's idea." Is all she says before jumping after you.

     Aladdin's arms are up in the air as he cheers. The descent is slow at first then picks up real quick. Your heart beats like crazy, wanting to jump out of your chest. For once, you feel human again.

     "Take off your turban!"

     Aladdin does as you say. Now you both gently fly down to the ground with the substitute parachute. Finally you both land, slightly stumbling, and you, fortunately, don't drop Aladdin. Close after you Morgiana lands, creating a slight dent in the ground.

     Aladdin cheers, "We should do that again!"

     Sinbad has a slight smile, a mix of unease and joy. "A warning would be nice next time," He looks at Morgiana. "I would prefer to carry the beautiful woman in my arms next time."

     "Old creep," You say pushing past him and jump on Morgiana, giving her a hug. "Thank you for agreeing, sorry you had to carry the pervert! Your landing was so badass!" You ramble surprising Morgiana, who gets flustered at your praising, and Aladdin.

     Sinbad, who was previously gloomy about being called an old pervert, laughs merrily. "Let's get going."

      All three of you agree.

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