Chapter Fifteen

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"We all care about you. The question is, do you care about us?"

"That stupid, perverted eggplant!" You fum, marching down a random road. "Of course I care about you and the others!" You swipe your hair back with your left hand. "Why...would you ask something so obvious?" You blink back the tears. Why am I so upset? Shouldn't I be happy that someone, particularly someone like Sinbad, cares about me?

"This isn't good. This kid just passed out! What should we do?"

You pause and look to your right and see a group crowding around Aladdin. You quickly walk over and rudely push them away. "Aladdin!" You take his flute away from him. Next thing you know everything's dark.


"Hello, Y/N."

You blink multiple times up at Ugo's head sitting in front of you. "How?"

"When you touched Aladdin's flute, I decided to bring you here too."


"Big sis!" Aladdin's weird looking body waves at you.

"Aladdin!" Your weird body floats towards his. "Wait...did you just call me big sis?" 

"I can, can't I?" Aladdin asks with a cute head tilt.

"Yes!" You immediately nod, feeling very happy.

"I'm glad you have made such great friends out in the world, Aladdin." Ugo chuckles with a bright smile.

You look over at Ugo. You quickly float towards him and hug him. "Ugo! I'm so happy I get to meet your cute face finally!"

Ugo being Ugo blushes. "I am glad to meet you as well...Y/N. I also want to apologize for hurting you, I just felt an incredible desire to protect Aladdin from that Magi, Judar."

"It's okay...I forgive you." You wave a hand dismissively.

"So have I died?" Aladdin asks looking at his hands.

"Died?" Ugo and you look at each other with small smiles 

"Well, since my body's all crazy now..." He does a weird wiggle motion. "See? See?"

"Don't worry! You haven't died...You just had your ego transported here by the Rukh, that's all. Your physical body is alive down there on Earth. But you were in danger, you know." Ugo frowns, worry swirling in his eyes. "After you pushed yourself too far...You really were close to dying. I've been trying to bring Judar up here, as well, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen."

You sigh, "Ithnan is supplying more dark Rukh to Judar to stop you."

Ugo's eyes widen, "So it is true. You know of Alma Torran."

"Yes...What do you mean by 'it is true?'"

"He told me." Ugo points to someone behind you.

You turn around and see him, Kennan. The man who summoned the Dungeon in your world. The unknown Magi who controls the flow of the Blue Rukh. 

"Hello, I see that you are still alive." His blue eyes are dull and lifeless as he gazes at you then at Ugo. "Thank you, old friend, for bringing her here. We will be taking our leave now." He grabs your arm and teleports you to his room full of books. 

You stare at him. His hair is black and short. His eyes are an electric blue. His skin is tan. He is still wearing the same purple, black and gold outfit from when you first met him after the death of Kane.

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