Chapter Thirteen

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     Judar gets up full of bruises, "Hey, kiddo! That Djinn's not playing fair!" Judar launches his Ice Magic at Ugo. Ugo does a badass spin and destroys the ice. "I know you haven't been supplying him with any of your magoi! Which means that right now, he's being powered by someone else's magoi!"

     "Solomon..." You mutter quietly. 

     "In other words, that Djinn isn't your Djinn!" Judar uses his Floating Magic and starts summoning the Rukh.

     Ugo stands protectively over Aladdin and you, taking the blow. Your heart clenched in guilt. I could help him, but... You hold onto Aladdin. Ugo needs to give Solomon's Wisdom to Aladdin and allow him to grow... I'm sorry Ugo! Then a large piece of ice goes through Ugo's body. Solomon's magoi begins to pour out of the wound.

     Judar smirks in what he believes to be a triumph, "I win!"

     Only to have Ugo crush him. The sounds of lightening and Rukh echo as the borg protecting Judar is smashed. Judar screams as it shatters. Everyone watches in horror. Ugo casually drops Judar, who falls down in what seems like slow motion. Judar is covered in dark, purple bruises, splashes of blood surrounding him. The Rukh surrounding you chant in worry. Ugo stands tall and shakes in what looks like pain. 

     "Ugo?" Aladdin whispers in worry.

     "That idiot."

     Ugo lifts his arms in the air, his hands pressing together. A powerful pink power surrounds his hands.

     "No way! Ugo?"

     You let go of Aladdin and pat his shoulder. You quickly run towards Judar's horribly beaten up body. You throw yourself in front of him and stretch out your arms. "I won't let you hurt Judar! You need to calm the fuck down!"

     "Y/N! You need to get out of the way! Even you can't stop the power of a Djinn!" Sinbad yells at you in worry.

     "...Y/--" Judar coughs in pain and fully passes out.

     "I'm here, Judar. I'm sorry, I should have stopped this sooner." You whisper.

     "This isn't good! Everybody run!" Sinbad yells to the idiots still standing around.

     Ugo doesn't hesitate, he launches the attack down towards you and Judar. You reach your right hand up and it glows just like before. The Rukh swarm around you and Judar protectively. There's a loud boom as Ugo's attack hits you. A crater is created from the force causing dust to fly everywhere, blocking everyone's view. You feel the bones in your right arm crack and break. The pain is unbearable and you cry out but somehow you manage to stay standing. The power Ugo had used is sent up toward the sky and explodes. You grab your right arm with your left and hold it. Tears stream down your face. You gulp and walk towards Judar's unconscious body. You sit down and lay his head in your lap.

     "You're safe now." You whisper, running your unbroken fingers through his messy untied hair.

     Finally, the dust clears and you hear your companions, no your friends call out your name. Since you had reflected the power towards the sky there was barely any damage done to the surrounding area. You let out a happy sigh and casually say, "I'm fine, well, besides my arm is completely shattered. And by the Gods does it hurt." You flinch at the burning pain.

     Before anyone can react a shadow from the sky is cast down. "Well, well! What on earth is up with that monster?" Kougyoku has made her entrance with some members from Al Thamen. "I can see you had a field day, tormenting our sweet little Judar!" She glares down at you. You still have Judar in your lap, unlike in the anime when one of the weird guys saved Judar.

     "Looks like someone else saved him in the nick of time." The weird guy says.

     You flip them all off, "Suck my nonexistent dick! You fucking creep(s)!" 

     "How crude," Kougyoku scuffs before narrowing her eyes. "He's still seriously injured! She points down at you, "Now achieve him from the peasant's filthy arms."

     Knowing there's nothing you can do, you place a kiss on Judar's forehead. "Goodbye, for now, my little peach boy." A bright Rukh attaches itself to Judar, disappearing into his body. "Protect him, little Rukh."

     "As you wish." One of the weird guys casually jump down and quickly snatches Judar from your hold. Just as quickly he's back on the magic carpet.

     "Listen here, Ka Kobun, you'd better make sure to heal him. If he should die, it would be a disaster." 

     You grit your teeth at her uncaring words. You slowly push yourself up, trying your hardest not to move your broken arm. Suddenly two hands as placed on your sides and help you up the rest of the way. Worried amber eyes greet you. "I got you," Sinbad says as he wraps your left arm around his neck and rests his other arm around your waist to keep you stable.

     You nod with a grimace, "Thanks, Sin." You lean your weight against his.

     "Any time, beautiful~." He winks to lighten the mood, which you're very thankful for so you give a small smile.

     "I am aware of that, Your Highness. He is, after all, our valued priest."

     Sinbad leads you back towards the group. "Unbelievable!" Ja'far scuffs at the conversation from above. His silver eyes ghost over you. "Your arm..."

     "Is completely shattered." You finish with a tired sigh.

     "You...did well," Masrur says giving you a pat on the head.

     You nod and listen to Sinbad. "I know. Those people are from the Kou Empire." The arm on your waist tightens. 

     "The Kou Empire?" Aladdin asks. He too gives a worried look towards you.

     "Sin, look at the magical tools they're using." You point out.

     "Yeah..." Sinbad stares up with worried eyes.

     Through the tense atmosphere, Ugo powers up again. Gaining Kougyoku's attention. "Oh, come on! Does that monster still want to fight? It sounds like fun!"

     "He's not...A monster." You gasp in pain as your arm flares up in pain.

     "I'm surprised you're still conscious. You should rest." Sinbad leads you towards a wall and gently helps sit you down. Surprisingly he rips his robes and starts to wrap the cloth around your broken arm.

    "I've," you gasp and bite your lip in pain. "Been through worse..." You shut your eyes tightly missing Sinbad's wide eyes.

     "Worse than this..." He echoes with a dark look.

     "Sin?" You ask with a look of confusion.

     Sinbad stays quiet until he's done wrapping your arm. "This will have to do for now. Please sit still and rest." He pats your head and walks off, back towards his companions. 

     You hopelessly watch the battle, slowly falling asleep.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time~!

Random Fact: I love the number 13, since my birthdays August 13~!

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