Chapter 8 - A Surprising Turn Of Events.

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***Side note: (Y/LN) = your last name.

Warm, you felt warm as your eyelids began to flutter, you could feel the warm sun on your face, morning had come. Your eyes opened to see an unfamiliar face directly in front of yours.

"Good morning." The man smiled, you jumped back pulling the covers over you.

"Who are you?" You snapped. You looked around for Stefan but he was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Stefan?" You asked, your tone angry and accusing.

"Oh Stefan, he had to go." The man smirked, you felt fear instantly rise within you. Was this the man you had been running from, hiding from?

"Klaus?" You muttered, afraid to hear the answer.

"Brains and beauty." The man smiled, he rose to his feet. "Get up." He yanked the covers off of you and grabbed your arm tightly.

"Get off me!" You swung your free hand at his face, your fist slammed into his face, you could hear the impact around the room.

"You pack quite the punch (Y/N), So, you can hit me, you are smart and beautiful and you also have a special blood type dont you?" He leered, he leaned closer to you, so close you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin, his lips almost touched your ear as he whispered, "You are something I have been looking for, for a very long time. Someone as beautiful as you..." His fingers ran through your hair, you grimaced at his touch. "It would be a shame to kill you, although I think that is something I may have to do..." his hands slowly trailed down your neck, his hand rested on your shoulder, gripping you tightly.

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill me." You spat, you saw the look of amusement on Klaus' face, he smiled sinisterly at your anger.

"I want to have some fun first. I need to make sure the rumours are true... that you are in fact a cure." He shoved you face first against the wall, another man entered the room with chains and handed them to Klaus. "Thank you." He said to the man who left just as quickly as he came. Klaus wrapped the chains around your hands, binding them tightly behind your back, you could feel the chains pulling your arms almost from their sockets. He locked the chains with a padlock and sat you down on the floor. "So tell me, (Y/N), you're from a family of vampire hunters? How many vampires have you killed?" He seemed to be mocking you.

"More than I can count." You frowned.

"Really? I've done my research on you... (Y/N) (Y/LN), I've heard of some of the work your father has - had done..." he smirked arrogantly at you. All you wanted to do was shove a stake through his heart but you knew... an original could not be killed with a regular stake. "If your father truly succeeded in getting the cure for you, it means he managed to kill, or pacify one of my siblings who happened to be guarding it." Klaus crouched down to your eye-level. "An eye for an eye, right?" He grabbed your face with his hand. "My hybrids are my family now, only they truly understand me, I cannot risk their existence. Not in the slightest."

"You're the one who created them, you forced them to be this way, you're not some sort of god, everything has a weakness and if it isn't my blood that destroys them, it'll be something else. Everything has a weakness." You scowled, you watched the anger flicker within Klaus' eyes, you knew this was stupid, antagonising him when you were completely at his mercy but you couldn't help it. Just looking at the vampire-werewolf hybrid made you sick, knowing how many innocent humans he had killed for the fun of it, that he had never shown any remorse for his actions. Stefan was apologetic, he regretted every life he ever took and you knew he meant it, the look of guilt and shame that inhabited Stefans eyes every single time he spoke of his past... he was different. He had humanity, unlike this creature before you.

"Maybe you're right." Klaus rose to his feet. "But I'll kill every single weakness they have, until like me, nothing can truly kill them." Klaus smiled smugly.

"Are you finished talking yet? I mean, you talk the talk but you've had so many opportunities during our lovely conversation to just... kill me." You spoke sarcastically. "What on earth are you waiting for? Just kill me already!" You hissed, you could see the anger bubbling within Klaus.

"Oh I will!" He grabbed a handful of your (H/C) hair, "I will enjoy watching every last drop of blood drip from your spent veins but I need to make sure you are what the rumours say..." Klaus smiled,  you did not like the look on his face, the arrogance... he was up to something. You heard a loud bang from the front door of the cabin, two men entered dragging an unconscious body in their arms, the mans body trailing across the floor. Klaus watched the two men tie the lifeless prisoner they had up with Vervain ropes. He was a vampire... the prisoner began to stir and klaus grabbed the prisoner by his arms and pulled him into a kneeling position directly before you. "Let's see if your really a cure shall we?" He pulled the prisoners head up... Stefan...
He was groggy but you could see the surprise in his eyes when he saw you.

"Stefan, my old friend, you're going to drink from our friend (Y/N) here, if she turns you human once more, congratulations you're free to watch me kill her then you can life your short, pathetic human life. If she doesn't cure you then I kill you." Klaus smiled, it was the kind of smile that made your stomach turn with disgust. Stefan looked at you with pleading eyes.

"No." Stefan frowned. "I won't drink from her."

"You will." Klaus pulled out a small knife and grabbed your hand, he sliced open your palm, you winced as you felt the blade cut your skin. "Drink!" Klaus held up your bleeding hand to Stefans face, you could see the purplish veins emerge from his skin, he was doing everything he could to fight it.

"No!" Stefan yelled pulling his head away.

"If you won't drink... I'll make you." Klaus smirked, he grabbed Stefans head roughly and shoved it forward, grabbing your hand with his free hand he shoved it millimetres away from Stefans lips.

"It's okay Stefan, just do what he says and you can go free." You gave him a reassuring smile. "It's fine."

"No." Stefan thrust his head backwards, which caused his body to fall backwards.

"You're as stubborn as mule." Klaus frowned picking Stefan up. He grabbed your hand and collected the blood in his palm, he brought it ago Stefan's mouth. "Drink."

The way klaus pressed on Stefans jaw made it open on its own... this was it. Stefan would be human, you would be killed... your heart pounded as you watched Stefan try with all his might to keep his mouth closed. You closed your eyes, refusing to watch him suffer...

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