Chapter 3 - Meeting the family

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"A cure?" Stefan whispered as though he was talking to himself. "You're looking into it?"
You gulped, hard. Your heart pounding, your stomach churning. Desperately you tried to control your heartbeat, knowing that Stefan could probably hear the erratic beating of your heart, he would probably get suspicious... you had to control it! Deep breaths, count to ten slowly...
"Okay Damon, thanks for letting me know." Stefan put the phone back in his pocket.
"Can you believe it? There might just be a cure..." Stefan looked like a child at Christmas you could tell he was trying not to grin.

"W-wow. That's amazing." You managed to say, your palms sweating, your mouth drier than the Sahara desert.

"Are you okay?" Stefan asked. He looked genuinely concerned about you.

"Yeah, I just, I don't feel well. It's great news about a cure though!" You forced yourself to smile, Stefan returned your smile.

"Apparently the vial is empty, Damon is tracking down who found it and hopefully it'll help us find the cure, well the now human who has the cure." Stefan grabbed his car keys. "I'll take you home."

You tossed and turned, unable to sleep. Your mind racing. What if they found out you were the cure and drained you? Killing you for the chance to be human? What if they let other vampires feed on you, like some reverse blood donation? You remembered quite clearly how it all came to this, how you were turned at the age of 4, how your father stole the cure for vampirism from a witch and gave it to you. Once word got out, vampires everywhere flocked to find you... it was a life on the run for you and your family. Your parents died saving your life, saving you from being a tasty cure filled drink. Your sister, well she died when you were 4... but that's another story. You just wanted this cure idea to go away, maybe you could convince Stefan it was a lie? Wait, no. It was probably best for you to stay away... right?

As you walked out of your apartment building, you stopped in your tracks. Police cars swarmed the street, yellow crime scene tape cordoned off the alley near your home... the alley you killed the vampire in. You could hear the sheriff muttering about a vampire, you approached them.

"What happened sheriff?" You asked.

"Animal attack." She nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact.

"I killed him. He was a vampire. You can tell that from his skin can't you?" You whispered, the sheriff looked at you wide-eyed and nodded.
"Am I... in trouble?" You frowned. "He attacked me, tried to kill me... so I defended myself..." you looked at the ground, you felt her warm hand on your shoulder.

"No, it's okay. Go to work, don't worry about this. You did this town a favour." She looked at you kindly. "Don't mention this to anyone." She said.

"I won't." You smiled before leaving the scene, well at least this town didn't let vampires run rampant like the previous town you lived in. You felt strong arms grab you from behind, you were pulled into the back of an abandoned building.

"So you're the one who killed Remy." The man grunted. "I spent so long finding him, he knows, well knew, were something very special was." The man peered into your face, your hand reached towards your bag but the man grabbed your hands.
"Let's not do something stupid now, like stake a vampire in broad daylight, shall we? I'm tired and really don't want to rip your head off." The man grinned as he watched you squirm, his bright blue eyes staring at you.

"Get off of me!" You yelled as loud as you could, hoping to attract some attention from passers-by.

"You're a feisty one." He leaned forward, his face inches from yours. "You will forget about meeting me, you will forget about the existence of vampires entirely. You won't be afraid of me, you will let me have a snack whenever I wish..." he smirked, he looked so arrogant it riled you.

"I will... stake you right through your cold dead heart you murderous bastard." You spat directly in his face.

"Vervain." He growled. "Okay, plan B it is!" The skin around his eyes filled with red and purple veins, his fangs gleaming as they inched closer to your neck. Fuck. This is it. He will feed, find out I'm the cure, tell his stupid vampire friends and then I'm dead. I'm a fucking buffet for vampires with consciouses.

"Damon?" You heard a familiar voice... Stefan.

"Hello brother. I ended my trip early. Care to join me?" He ran a finger down your neck.

"(Y/N)," Stefan sighed heavily. Before you knew it he had flung Damon into the wall and was stood before you. "My brother can be a little..."

"A little what? An asshole? You are the reason everyone hates vampires!" You shout at Damon as he clambers to his feet. "You go around threatening and feeding on people, making them forget. People forget the memories, yes, but that undying fear is always there!" You hadn't realised but tears had started to flow from your eyes. "I hate vampires, but I especially hate ones like you. Who think they can have whatever they want when they want!"

"(Y/N) Damon didn't mean it, he just has terrible social skills. He won't ever lay a hand on you again." Stefan reached out to you, he gently wiped the tears from your flushed cheeks, you gazed at him, his hazel/green eyes staring at your face. You couldn't help but stare, he looked so kind, so gentle. If only he wasn't a vampire...

"I'm sorry." Damon chuckled. "I won't harm a hair on your head princess." He mocked.

"No, you won't harm anybody!" You snapped, you grabbed the stake from your bag and pointed it at him. "I find out you've fed on a human here in mystic falls and I will stake you. I don't care if it kills me, I will destroy you!" You hiss.

"Damon won't feed on anyone here in mystic falls I promise." Stefan tried to calm you down, he gently touched your shoulder. You felt the anger simmering down, how did he do that?

"Well, this isn't the welcome home I was expecting. An angry princess and my brother, who yet again gives in to whatever a human girl wants." Damon strode past you and Stefan. "Stefan, the cure, I have a lead. It was consumed by someone, a human. They live right here in mystic falls." Damon glared at you, there was something in his eyes that you couldn't quite put your finger on.
Shit. Did he... he knew...

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