C1: First Day of Senior Year.

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The date is 01st September 1959, a young girl is in her slumber with a pale pink hairnet and curlers tight in her dirty blonde coloured locks. A sudden ringing occurs and it unfortunately wakes her up, her lovely dream was interrupted and this was when she had to turn off the harsh ringing alarm clock.

She woke from her gentle slumber, placed on her oriental red coloured robe from her pen pal marine, places on her fluffy pink slipper slides and walks over to her bathroom to wash her face and exfoliate. Using tweezers she plucks at her eyebrows to make sure they're preen. She finishes up in the bathroom and walks back in to her room to her vanity table ready to take out her hairnet and curlers, she uses her comb to pluck at them and to tidy them up a little bit.

Her makeup was always pretty pink, she placed on her face powder, mascara, lipstick and blush and she was done. Makeup was never really too much in the 50's, was always pink and light. She placed on her new glasses to try on and she looked stunning.

"These are going to get all the looks." Marty says fixing them onto the bridge of her nose.

Her mother begins to call her down for breakfast and also asks her to hurry up getting ready for her first day back at Rydell. Marty got up from her chair towards her wardrobe whilst placing hairspray into the ends of her hair. She picked out her blue bodycon skirt and a white tee from her chest of drawers. Her neck scarf collection was lovely, intricate prints and detailed prints were amongst some pretty blue ones and red ones. There was a silk blue one that really stood out to her, she placed it around her neck and began to tie it.

Marty made her bed and then walked over to the window to open her curtains and checked herself out in the mirror before going down to breakfast.

Her mother was waiting with her father and little sister at the table, her little sister was colouring into her colouring in book whilst drinking orange juice, she looked up at her older sister and waved towards Marty.

"Mom, can you lend me some money for lunch at school, lunch went up to 35c!" Said Marty sitting down at the table and began to butter her toast.

"Darling ask your father, he should be giving you money for lunch, Heather can you please eat your breakfast you'll be late for preschool." Said Jackie, smoking her cigarette out of the patio door.

"Daddy, can you lend me some money for lunch today please?"

"Yes, of course honey, here's a $1. Don't spend it on smokes alright? Promise me?" Said her father closing up his paper.

"I've got to dash, I'm going to grab my toast to go, I'll grab a juice at school. I think the girls are picking me up." Marty said grabbing her toast on the way out of the kitchen kissing her father and sister Heather on the cheek.

Marty said goodbye to her family and they offered their best wishes for her first day back. She dashed up stairs to brush her teeth and heard that the girls were pulling up outside. She could see her best friend in the driver's seat once she went to her bedroom window. She checked herself out once again in the mirror, walked to her chair to grab her Pink Ladies jacket and sat down on her bed. She placed a red lipstick onto her lips delicately and then placed the lipstick, purse and face powder into her black handbag, placed on her jacket and walked out of her bedroom door.

Her mother was waiting outside by the door to say goodbye to her daughter. She kissed her mother on the cheek and ran towards the pink car that was being driven by a raven headed girl called Rizzo.

"Hi girls, hey Riz! Love the skirt Jan." Marty said clambering into the back seat of the car. Marty waved goodbye to her mother and Rizzo drove away.

It was a really nice morning out. Sun was shining with very little clouds about, the weather was blissful and breezy but warm.

Marty and the girls arrived in the school's car park with Rizzo stepping out first.

"Ah, well here we are again." Said Rizzo leaning against another car's bonnet to fix her pumps.

"But this time we're seniors!" Said Marty

"And we're gonna rule the school!" Said Rizzo laughing with Jan and Marty following the laughter.

"Jan that is so adolescent!" Marty said looking at the people who were arriving at the school to look out for the greaser's, placing her handbag under her arm and fixing her curls.

"But we are adolescent!" Laughed Jan who loved eating Twinkies everyday.

"We don't have to flaunt it. Okay girls, let's go get em'" said Rizzo placing her Pink Ladies jacket over her shoulders.

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