C4: Night Before Pep Rally

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The lunch bell rang once more to make students aware lunch and recess was now over and everyone needed to head back to class. Rizzo got up first, placed her bag under her arm and clutched her Pink Ladies jacket, the rest of the group followed, including Sandy who was saying goodbye to Patty.

Jan scruffily placed her lunch tray into the bin, then dropped the tray on the floor, whilst the small clique were walking back to the school, the banners and pep rally items were being setup ready for Saturday, Sandy was pretty excited and so was Marty, as she could finally were her favourite pair of heels. The girls went on about this boy Sandy met at the beach and grilled her endlessly.

"True love and he didn't lay a hand on. Sounds like a creep to me." Said Rizzo with a smirk on her face.

"Well, he wasn't. He was a gentleman." Said Sandy gushingly.

"Hey, what was his name?" Said an excited Frenchy.

"Danny, Danny Zuko." Sandy said whilst the other girls sniggered and laughed, as doing so this prompts Rizzo to intervene their sniggers and told them stop, yet she found it amusing also.

"Well, I think he sounds peachy keen." Rizzo said trying her best not to giggle, whilst Sandy had a concerned look on her face as did Frenchy.

"Well, maybe, if you believe in miracles, Prince Charming will show up again someday. Somewhere unexpected... see you later, come on girls!" Exclaimed Rizzo who ordered Jan and Marty to follow her, Marty and Jan were still laughing and giggling whilst Frenchy felt a little worried and confused.

"Do you really think so, Frenchy?" Sandy said with a happy smile on her face.

At this point Frenchy was a little bemused, and worried for Sandy.


"Yeah?" Sandy said still having high hopes she will meet Prince Charming.

"Uh, Sandy, I think we ought to get to class." A anxious Frenchy said, ushering Sandy along toward the school.

After they had done with lunch, the girls next classes would be Art, Science and Algebra. Marty and Rizzo had Science, Jan had Art and Frenchy and Sandy had Algebra.

Marty walked into the classroom and sat at her usual place, behind her friend Jessica ((In the movie, this girl is the one with the short cropped hair and khaki green jacket, facing the camera in front of the girls table.))

One boy saw Marty and he couldn't stop admiring her, Marty saw this boy and told him to stop, waving her hand like a wave, whilst laughing. She opened her folder and started writing a note for Jessica to read.

"Are you going to the pep rally tomorrow?
I finally get to wear my new shoes my 
    Daddy bought me. Hope to see you there?!"
                                         M x

She carefully folded the note up and passed it toward Jessica's hand, which was ready... luckily for the girls no teacher was about. Fortunalty the note made it to Jessica just in time as their Science teacher walked into the room.

"Good afternoon, now we will be starting off were we left off on pages 29-32, how compounds of gas formulate and calculating formula's of gases. We will work in pairs for todays practical so I hope you're ready." Said Mr Willhock who was writing down on the board the date and page numbers.

Jessica read her note and tore a piece of paper from her notebook paper.

"Yes I'll be going! Are you meeting Sonny there?
I head Vince Vontaine will be hosting, he's so hunky! J X"

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