//: Information ://

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(what is a command role play)
It is where you use commands (/) in the comments
to do things. Some of these use energy points.
1 day = 1 moon (month)
3 days in 1 season
the weather in a moon (month)
is based on what season it is
the disasters are the same
(the weather/ if there will be a disaster
is randomized)
possible disasters:
🌊 flooding 🌊
🌪 tornado 🌪
❄️ blizzard ❄️
🔥 forest fire 🔥
💦 hurricane 💦
🌵 drought 🌵
(disasters are rated from 0-5 on how deadly)
you can be slightly injured (1)
injured (2)
or deadly injured (3)
sick (cough, bleeding, chill, aching joints, cracked pads)
Coughs (whitecough, greencough, blackcough)
medicine-cats can cure an injured cat by using the command /cure (name)
(even the best medicine-cats can't heal every fox)
random generators decide what happens when you heal or not heal a cat
(password: tag two fellow role players)
you can die from:
disease, injuries, old age, starvation, etc.
if you die you are removed from the game.
you can join again and will be put on the
waiting list. (dont use the the same name)
(warriors, hunters, and trainees can hunt)
use hunting cmds to hunt for food
training/hunting can up your hunting skill
the higher your hunting skill =
more prey caught
random generators decide if you will be able to catch your prey
missing prey such as snakes or large birds can cause death
(If you don't hunt for 2 days, the skill will go down)
You can share prey for +1 bond and both have food
Eating order
[ kits, elders, queens, sick cats ] [warriors, apprentices, deputy and leader ]
1 day without food = (name) is feeling peckish
2 days without food = (name) is hungry
3 days without food = (name) is starving
4 days without food = (name) has starved to death
(If cats get to hungry they might eat something poisonous for food)
Cats can be killed by an enemy skulk, a skulkmate,
Badgers, and pups also can be killed by
falcons and badgers
borders are the camp boundaries
the strength is rated from 0/25
to strengthen the border, you must patrol
a patrolling party would strengthen it by one
when the border strength is low, enemies are more likely
to enter the territory.
(If there are no patrols for 2 days, it will go down by 1)
(enemies can also make it go down)
you can show affection to others by
playing with (name) (kits only)
sharing prey, or sharing tongues. Each of this will up your
affection level to that cat by one.
once both of you are at level 5 of affection to each other,
you can ask the other cat to be your mate.
the cat has to agree to be your mate.
(she-cats/toms can mate with other she-cats/toms in one year)
A she-cat can be pregnant only once a year.
She-cats will be able to have kits until there 70 moons.
It's possible to have 0-4 kits

energy (⚡️)
each cat has 2 energy points.
you can use these too do actions in the skulk.
(use /eat everyday for 0 energy)
(except if someone shares with you)
(Remember, when using commands, others have to do the same)
(Ex. /hunt with..... (Yellowmarigold)
/hunt with YellowMarigold (Robinperch)
/hunt with all (Bronzedusk)

I am using many random generators
* when you heal a cat, the cat won't always heal, and still might die
* it is possible to have a litter that all passed
* cats can even get Blackcough at the beginning of the next season
* you can loose all your territory
+much more.
The game will get harder when the leader looses all there lives.
The game will restart if all cats die.
Yes, all cats. So if there's only a few, that might lead to very close inbreeding
that can cause more sickness.
So, be prepared.

*** UnitedWarriors made the original game

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