//: Rules ://

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//: Rules ://

* Creative names are allowed, just make sure there not to out there.
* Unrealistic appearances are allowed, like how Mysticmoon had violet eyes. Just make sure, once again it's not too out there like a rainbow pelt.
* Don't use the same name if you rejoin. If you died a kit or an apprentice, then yes you can, but two warriors who had the name Songstream will get confusing.
* Don't get angry if you die. Even if you died as a kit. I don't favor anyone, and if you die you can rejoin and be put on the waiting list.
* if two she-cats or toms mate, they have to travel to Starfalls so StarClan can grant them the ability to have kits accept in pride month.
* when using the /kill (name), you have to private message me, or everyone will know. Any cat cat use this command every 10 days. Just know that if you aren't as skilled, you have a chance for the other cat to fight back.
* please use both of your energy everyday. If you can't be on, tell me and I can be your character for that day/days.
* Don't get angry at each other in the comments, you can do that elsewhere.
* You can't have Mystic, Meadow, Willow, Mist, or Star in your name when you signup.
* Put your cats name after using the command
* All ranks exempt kits, apprentices, and elders can mate yearly.
* Roleplaying is allowed
* Always ask first to roleplay with the others (don't suddenly join and ruin it)
* Some roleplay can count towards the game
Roleplay that would count: Dawnpaw left the territory by hisself and was caught, the next day Dawnpaw will have less energy due to the fact that he had to do a chore as punishment
Roleplay that wouldn't count: Sparrowtear kills Littlemouse and Littlemouse comes back to life and kills him

(I will not be adding charts, knowing that there are too many random generators.)

MysticClan: A Command Role Play GameWhere stories live. Discover now