part 5

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The hallucination of Taehyung smiles, and my heart shatters to a million pieces.

As I'm lost in thought, I don't have enough time to notice a man hurriedly walking in my direction. He bumps right into me, sending me into a slight spin in the opposite direction. The man doesn't even bother to say "sorry". 

After regaining my balance, Iook up and realize that Taehyung has vanished. Panic floods my body as I search frantically, looking for Taehyung. I know I've gone crazy. But I just want to see him again, I need to. 

I look on into the crowd and spot him.

It's Taehyung. His eyes, bright and curious, stare right into mine.

My knees start to feel week, and I have to steady myself against a pole. My eyes start to water, and my stomach starts to churn.

It can't be, it can't be him. No way. It's not possible. Yet, part of me wants it to be him, though I know all odds are against it. That part of me is the stronger of the two, and it acts irrationally.

I find myself starting to follow him. It's a dumb decision, I know, but I just need to see his face one more time, even if he is just a hallucination. I need to see him again.

Tears sting the corners of my eyes as I start to pick up my pace, following the grey hat through the crowd

"Taehyung!" I start to shout. "Taehyung!" I see the man falter, but he doesn't stop walking. I start sprinting through the crowd, not paying attention to what's going on around me.

I hear frustrated people mutter things at me as I run past them in a hurry.

"Taehyung!" I shout one more time. This time, he finally turns around. He looks back at me and giggles.

Suddenly everything is silent, and his giggle is all that echoes throughout the station, and it brings me back.

I single tear rolls down my cheek, and I blink it away, my eyes flitting shut to dry my eyes.

The world around me fades to black. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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